Tamara Shapiro Ledley - Invited Lectures and Keynote Presentations


Department of Space Physics and Astronomy, Rice University, "Climate Change on Ice Age Time Scales", April 12, 1984.

Johnson Space Center, "Climate Change on Ice Age Time Scales", December 12, 1984


New England Region of the American Association of Physics Teachers, the Association of Physical Scientists, and the Society of Physics Students."Climate and Ice: A Global Perspective", University of Rhode Island, April 19, 1986.

Department of Geology and Geophysics at Yale University, "The Influence of the Cryosphere on Climate Change", April 21, 1986.

Center for Meteorology and Physical Oceanography at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, "The Influence of the Cryosphere on Climate Change", April 22, 1986.


Department of Space Physics and Astronomy, Rice University, "Causes of Climate Change: The Influence of Ice", April 7, 1987.

Climate System Research Program, Texas A&M University, "The Influence of Sea Ice in Climate Change", May 1, 1987.


Goddard Space Flight Center, "Evidence of the Impact of Sea Ice and Leads on Climate", April 4, 1988.


Department of Geological Sciences, Northwestern University, "The Impact of Sea Ice and Leads on Climate", January 11, 1989.

Department of the Geophysical Sciences, University of Chicago, "The Impact of Sea Ice and Leads on Climate", January 12, 1989.

Argonne National Laboratory, "Sea Ice: A Factor in Polar and Global Climate Variability", June 28, 1989.

Symposium on Global Warming for the Society for College Science Teachers, held in the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Rice University, "Climate Change and Modeling", November 10, 1989


Alfred Wegner Institute for Polar and Marine Research, Bremerhaven, Germany, "Sea Ice Modeling and Climate", July 30, 1991


Department of Space Physics and Astronomy, Rice University, Houston, TX, "Sea Ice, Snow, and Climate", January 16, 1992

A Conference on the Heat Island Effect and Air Pollution in Major Texas Cities, San Antonio, TX, "Albedo of Vegetation and Man-Made Structures", July 29, 1992.

NATO Advanced Research Workshop: Ice in the Climate System, Aussois, France, "Sea Ice: A Factor In Influencing Climate on Short and Long Time Scales", September 6-12, 1992.


Department of Space Physics and Astronomy, Rice University, Houston, TX, "Sea-Ice and Continental Ice: Mechanisms for Climate Change", October 21, 1993.

University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, "Ice in the Climate System: A Mechanism for Climate Change", December 1, 1993.


Climate System Research Program and the Texas Center for Climate Studies, Texas A&M University, "Sea Ice and Continental Ice: Factors in Global Climate Change", March 9, 1995.


Atmospheric and Environmental Research, Inc. (AER), "Ice and Global Climate Change: An Overview", July 9, 1996

Department of Earth Sciences, Boston University, "The Role of Ice in Global Climate Change", September 30, 1996.

Workshop on Polar Processes in Global Climate sponsored by AMS, NSF, and NASA in Cancun, Mexico, "The Role of Sea Ice and Snow in Shaping Climate", November 14, 1996.


The Future of Undergraduate Earth Systems Sciences Education: Integration of Research and Education, Spring AGU Meeting, May 29, 1997.


Opportunities for all of TERC in the National Digital Libraries Efforts, TERC, October 31, 2001.


Facilitating the Use of Earth Science Data in Education, ESSE 21 (Earth System Science Education for the 21st Century) Meeting, June 10-13, 2003

DLESE Data Services-Facilitating the Development and Effective Use of Earth System Science Data in Education, Geological Society of American meeting, Seattle, Washington, November 2-5, 2003.

DLESE Data Services-Facilitating Effective Use of Earth System Science Data in Education, American Geophysical Union Fall meeting, December 8-12, 2003.


Scientists Being Effective in the Classroom, Telling Your Story Workshop at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute, Woods Hole, MA, January 22, 2004 and September 14, 2004.


Challenges in Earth and Space Science Education, Teachers Domain Earth and Space School Team Meeting, WGBH, Boston, MA, February 3, 2005.

Hurricanes and Global Climate Change, Center for Science Teaching and Learning Retreat, TERC, September 30, 2005.

The Polar Ice Caps and Climate Change, Fulcrum Institute, Tufts University, December, 14, 2005.


Earth System Science: Making it Real in Education, Department of Education, University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth, March 23, 2007

Earth Exploration Toolbook: Using Data to Teach Earth Science Concepts, presented at the ESSEA Workshop, Omaha, Nebraska, August 7, 2007

The Earth Exploration Toolbook: A Spectrum of Activities to Support the Use of Earth Science Data in Education, TERC Project Share, September 5, 2007

The Earth Exploration Toolbook: A Spectrum of Activities Bridging the Scientific and Educational Communities, NASA's Education and Outreach Colloquium Series, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, October 10, 2007


Bridging Diverse Professional Communities to Facilitate Science Education, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, April 16, 2009.

Climate Literacy: Essential Principles of Climate Science – Overview", ESIP Federation Summer 2009 Meeting – Teacher Workshop, Santa Barbara California, July 8, 2009.

Earth Exploration Toolbook", ESIP Federation Summer 2009 Meeting - Teacher Workshop, Santa Barbara California, July 9, 2009.

Climate Literacy and Energy Awareness Network (CLEAN) Pathway, Climate Literacy Network teleconference presentation, September 8, 2009.

Climate Literacy and Energy Awareness Network – New England (CLEAN-NE), Climate Literacy Network teleconference presentation, September 22, 2009.

Increasing Climate Literacy, Community Panel Discussion on Climate Literacy in the US Center at the Climate Change Summit in Copenhagen, December 9, 2009.


ESIP Federation – Speaker in Youth Media Video on Climate Literacy, January 7, 2010. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N8f7C4jIpYI

Climate Literacy Coordination and Curriculum Development Efforts in New England and Nationally, Boston University, GLACIER – Global Change Initiative-Education and Research, August 10, 2010.

Climate Literacy and Energy Awareness Network – New England – Activities and Challenges, University of New Hampshire, September 16, 2010.

Summary of a Rigorous Review Process, with Anne Gold, October 28, 2010.

Earth System Science: A Key to Climate Literacy, Innovative Global Climate Change Education (IGCCE) Solicitation Webinar, December 6, 2010.

The Climate Literacy and Energy Awareness Network (CLEAN) Pathway Collection Review Criteria, Climate Literacy Network teleconference, December 7, 2010.


DataTools: Weaving Data Analysis into the Science Classroom, Texas Science Faculty Collaborative Workshop on Integrating Information Technology, The Woodlands, Texas, organized by Texas A&M Corpus Christie, June 9, 2011.

Teaching Essential Principle #2: The Sun is the Primary Source of Energy for Earth's Climate System, Content Focus: Earth's Energy Balance, CLEAN Secondary Teacher Interactive Webinar, with Susan Buhr and Jeff Lockwood, September 19, 2011.

Climate Literacy and Energy Awareness Network (CLEAN) – with Marian Grogan and Cori Mykoff, TERC Projects Share, October 5, 2011.

Teaching Essential Principle #2: Climate is Regulated by Complex Interactions, Content Focus: Greenhouse Gases and Feedback Loops, with Susan Buhr and Jeff Lockwood, October 19, 2011, http://cleanet.org/clean/community/webinars/IW2.html.

The Earth Exploration Toolbook: Using Data to Teach Earth Science Concepts, webinar for the Lifelines (high school climate change education, http://www.globalsystemsscience.org/lifelines) project at the Lawrence Hall of Science, November 3, 2011.

The Earth Exploration Toolbook: Enabling Effective Use of Scientific Data in Educational Contexts – Scientific Research Programs Addressing Broader Impacts, National Science Foundation, Arlington VA, November 8, 2011.

Teaching Essential Principle #4 Climate Varies Over Space and Time, Content Focus: Looking at Mechanisms of Long-Term Climate Change, with Elizabeth Youngman, December 15, 2011.

The Earth Exploration Toolbook: Enabling Effective Use of Scientific Data in Educational Contexts, webinar for the USGS Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Center, December 13, 2011.


Climate Literacy and Energy Awareness Network – CLEAN: Overview and Services for CCEP-Phase II proposals and other Climate Change Education Projects and Proposals, webinar for the Climate Literacy Network, January 31, 2012.

Learn How to Access and Leverage Climate Change Education Resources and Broaden Your Reach with CLEAN and CAMEL, Tri-Agency Climate Change Education PI Meeting, Arlington, VA, April 18, 2012, with S Buhr, D Hassenzahl, and D Blockstein

Climate and the Cryosphere, EarthLabs Climate Teacher Professional Development Workshop, Mississippi State University, Starkville, MS, June 18, 2012.

CLEAN and the Climate Literacy Network, Risk and Response: Sea Level Rise and the Future of Florida and the Coast, Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, Florida, June 22, 2012.


CLEAN and NOAA's Climate.gov Portal: A Presentation to the NOAA Education Council - An Informational Briefing', presented to NOAA Education Council, July 17, 2013.

The CLEAN Network: Supporting Members in Increasing Climate Literacy – Spring 2013 Survey Results, CLEAN Network Teleconference, September 24, 2013.

CLEAN: A Reviewed Collection of Climate and Energy Educational Resources, Massachusetts STEM Summit, Foxboro, MA, November 13, 2013

The Earth Exploration Toolbook: Using Data to Teach Earth Science Concepts and EarthLabs: Laboratory Modules in Earth and Environmental Science, Massachusetts STEM Summit, Foxboro, MA, November 13, 2013

Climate Literacy at AGU, NASA NICE Webinar: AGU Preview Community Discussion, November 21, 2013.

The Future of Climate Change Education and Communication: Preparing Our Posterity for Risks and Opportunity, Fall 2013 American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA, December 9-13, 2013.


Collective Impact in Addressing the Impacts of Climate Change, Local Solutions: Northeast Climate Change Preparedness Conference: Educators Summit, Manchester, New Hampshire, May 21, 2014.

Making Geoscience Data Assessable and Usable in Education, panel presentation in Access and Use of NASA and other Federal Earth Science Data session, ESIP Federation Meeting, Copper Mountain, Colorado, July 8, 2014.

EarthLabs: Laboratory Courses in Earth and Environmental Science, Global Change Initiative: Research and Education, GK12 Workshop, Boston University, August 12, 2014.


The Climate Literacy and Energy Awareness Network (CLEAN) – Moving Toward Collective Impact, Department of Marine, Earth, and Atmospheric Sciences, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, North Carolina, presented April 13, 2015.

EarthLabs: Laboratory Courses in Earth and Environmental Science, Global Change Initiative: Research and Education, GK12 Workshop, Boston University, August 6, 2015.

Why Integrate Climate Science Into Your Teaching?, 16th Annual Conference on Case Study Teaching in Science, University of Buffalo, Buffalo, New York, presented September 18, 2015.

Earth Exploration Toolbook: Investigating the Precipitation-Streamflow Relationship, 16th Annual Conference on Case Study Teaching in Science, University of Buffalo, Buffalo, New York, presented September 18, 2015.

EarthLabs: Climate and the Cryosphere, 16th Annual Conference on Case Study Teaching in Science, University of Buffalo, Buffalo, New York, presented September 19, 2015.


CLEAN and Impacts of Climate Change on Human Health, Rice University, presented April 7, 2016.

Earth Systems Investigations and EarthLabs: Inquiry Investigations of Earth System Science and Climate Change, Global Change Initiative: Research and Education, GK12 Workshop, Boston University, August 9, 2016


STEM Education for Tomorrow's Workforce, CLEAN Network, October 2017.


STEM Education for Tomorrow's Workforce, teacher webinars, March 13th and March 19th, 2018.

Evidence of Climate Change from Satellite Data, Climate CubeSat CoBuild Program, MIT Media Lab, March 27, 2018.