Tamara Shapiro Ledley - Abstracts
Ledley, T.S., Sensitivities of Cryospheric Models, International Symposium on Milnkovitch and Climate: Understanding the Response to Orbital Forcing,Lamont-Doherty Geological Observatory of Columbia University, Palisades, New York, Dec 1-3, 1982.
Ledley, T.S., Sensitivity of an Ice Sheet Model to Atmospheric Variables, Symposium on Ice and Climate Modelling, Northwestern University Evanston, Illinois, 27 June - 1 July 1983.
Ledley, T.S., Multiyear Sea Ice Cycles and White Ice, AGU Spring Meeting, Baltimore Maryland, May 27‑31, 1985, EOS, 66, 280, 1985.
Ledley, T.S., Sea Ice Lead Parameterizations for Use with Long Time Stepping Thermodynamic Sea Ice Models. IAMAP/IAPSO Joint Assembly, August 5‑16, 1985, Honolulu, Hawaii, 41‑42, 1985.
Ledley, T.S. and S.L. Thompson, Effect of Nuclear War Smoke Contamination on Sea Ice. IAMAP/IAPSO Joint Assembly, August 5‑16, 1985, Honolulu, Hawaii, 60, 1985.
Ledley, T.S., The Impact of Sea Ice on the Climate of the Polar Regions. Fall AGU Meeting, San Francisco, California, December, 1986, EOS, 67, 1030, 1986.
Ledley, T.S., The Role of Sea Ice and Leads in Influencing Climate Variations, Fourth Conference on Climate Variations: Climate Dynamics Update, Baltimore, Maryland, March 10‑13, 23, 1987.
Ledley, T.S., The Large Impact of Sea Ice and Leads on Surface Energy Fluxes. International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG), XIX General Assembly, Vancouver Canada, August 9‑22, 1987, Abstracts V.3, 755.
Ledley, T.S., The Impact of Sea Ice and Leads on Ocean- Atmosphere Interactions. Seventh Conference on Ocean-Atmosphere Interaction, Anaheim, California, January 31 - February 5, 1988, 129‑131.
Ledley, T.S., The Ice‑Albedo Feedback and Gondwanaland's Summer Temperatures, Spring AGU Meeting, Baltimore, Maryland, 1988, EOS, 69, 312, 1988.
Ledley, T.S., The Warming Effect of Meridional Sea Ice Transport on Climate, Fall AGU Meeting, San Francisco, California, December 1988, EOS, 69, 1285, 1988.
Ledley, T.S., Meridional Sea Ice Transport and Its Effect on Climate, Symposium on Ice and Climate, International Glaciology Society, August 21-25, 1989.
Ledley, T.S., The Response of Ocean-Sea Ice-Atmosphere Interactions to Milankovitch Solar Radiation Variations in a Coupled Energy Balance Climate - Sea Ice Model, Symposium on Ice and Climate, International Glaciology Society, August 21-25, 1989.
Pfirman, S., M A. Lange, and T.S. Ledley, Potential Consequences of "Dirty" Arctic Sea Ice, Annals of Glaciology, Symposium on Ice and Climate, International Glaciology Society, Seattle Washington, August 21-25, 1989, 14, 355, 1990.
Ledley, T.S., The Impact of Seasonal Milankovitch Solar Radiation Variations on Ocean-Atmosphere Interactions, International Conference on Modelling of Global Climate Change on Variability, September 11-15, 1989.
Ledley, T.S., The Impact of Snow and Sea Ice Variations on Global Climate Change, International Conference on the Role of the Polar Regions in Global Change, University of Alaska, Fairbanks, Alaska, June 11-15, 1990.
Ledley, T.S., Snow on Sea Ice: Competing Effects on the Surface Energy Balance and Its Impact on Climate, Fall AGU Meeting, San Francisco, California, December 1990, EOS, 71, 1335. 1990.
Ledley, T.S., A Modeling Study of the Role of Snow on Sea Ice in Producing Interannual Climate Variations, Fifth Conference on Climate Variations, Denver, CO, October 14-18, 1991, 323-326, 1991.
Ledley, T.S., and S. Chu, The Greenhouse Effect and the Growth of Ice Sheets, Spring AGU Meeting, Montreal, Canada, May 11-15, 1992, EOS, 73, 108, 1992.
Ledley, T.S., Variations in Snow on Sea Ice: A Mechanism for Producing Climate Variations, Second International Conference on Modelling of Global Climate Change and Variability, Hamburg, Germany, September 7-11, 1992.
Ledley, T.S., and S. Chu, Global Warming and the Growth of Ice Sheets, Second International Conference on Modelling of Global Climate Change and Variability, Hamburg, Germany, September 7-11, 1992.
Ledley, T.S., Sea Ice: A Factor In Influencing Climate on Short and Long Time Scales, NATO Advanced Research Workshop: Ice in the Climate System, Aussois, France, September 6-12, 1992.
Ledley, T.S., and S. Chu, Can Greenhouse Warming Induce Ice Sheet Growth?, Fourth Symposium on Global Change Studies, American Meteorology Society, January 17-22, 1993, 272-275, 1993.
Ledley, T.S., The Impact of Sediment Laden Sea Ice and Snow on Climate, Fall 1993 AGU meeting, San Francisco, CA, EOS, 74, 254, 1993.
Chu, S., and T.S. Ledley, Milankovitch Solar Radiation Variations and the Initiation of Ice Sheet Growth, Fall 1993 AGU meeting, San Francisco, CA, EOS, 74, 367, 1993.
Ledley, T.S. and S. Chu, The Initiation of Ice Sheet Growth, Milankovitch Solar Radiation Variations and the 100 kyr Cycle, presented at the Conference on the Dynamics of the Arctic Climate System, Goteborg, Sweden, Nov 7-10, 1994.
Ledley, T.S., Solar Radiation, the 100 KYR Ice Age Cycle, and the Next Ice Age, presented at the Fall 1994 AGU meeting, San Francisco, CA, EOS, 75, 380, 1994.
Steen, R.S. and T.S. Ledley, An Asynchronously Coupled Energy Balance-Ice Sheet Model, presented at the 1995 Spring AGU Meeting, Baltimore, MD, EOS, 76, S187, 1995.
Reiff, P.H., C. Law, T. Ledley, and C. Sumners, "The Public Connection: Creating an "Offramp" for the Information Superhighway", presented at the 1995 Spring AGU Meeting, Baltimore, MD, EOS, 76, S210, 1995.
Steen, R.S. and T.S. Ledley, An Asynchronously Coupled Energy Balance Model With Ice Sheets, to be presented at the Third International Conference on Modeling of Global Climate Change and Variability, Hamburg, Germany, Sept 4-8, 1995.
Steen. R.S. and T.S. Ledley, An Asynchronously Coupled Energy Balance Climate Model with Ice Sheets, presented at the Fall 1995 AGU meeting, San Francisco, CA, EOS, 76, F121, 1995.
Ledley, T.S. and Z. Huang, The Importance of Katabatic Winds in Shaping the Ross Sea-Sea Ice Regime, presented at the Fall 1995 AGU meeting, San Francisco, CA, EOS, 76, F103, 1995.
Huang, Z., and T.S. Ledley, The Sensitivity of the Atmosphere -- Surface Sensible Heat Flux to the Relative Amounts of Open Water and Sea Ice in the Polar Regions, presented at the Fall 1995 AGU meeting, San Francisco, CA, EOS, 76, F103, 1995.
Reiff, P.H., C. Law, T.S. Ledley, R. Steen, and C. Sumners, The Public's Connection to Near-Real-Time Earth and Space Information, presented at the Fall 1995 AGU meeting, San Francisco, CA, EOS, 76, F54, 1995.
Steen, R.S. and T.S. Ledley, "Asynchronously Coupling the Cryosphere and Atmosphere in an Energy Balance Climate Model", IGS Meeting, Canada, August, 1996.
Ledley, T.S., "The Role of Sea Ice and Snow in Shaping Climate", Workshop on Polar Processes in Global Climate, Cancun, Mexico, November 1996.
Huang, Z. and T.S. Ledley, " The Sensitivity of the Ross Sea Ice Regime to Variations in the Wind Field", presented at the 1996 Fall AGU Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 1996.
Ledley, T.S. and Z. Huang, "An ENSO Signal in the Ross Sea?", presented at the 1996 Fall AGU Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 1996.
Reiff, P.H., T.S. Ledley, C.C. Law, and C. McKay, "The Public Connection: Space Views of Earth and Earth Views of Space", presented at the 1997 Spring AGU Meeting, May 1997.
Ledley, T.S., L Bettison-Varga, H.R. Burger, J.W. Creasy, D. Dyar, P.G. Knight, and D.A. McManus, "The Future of Undergraduate Earth Systems Sciences Education: Integration of Research and Education", presented at the 1997 Spring AGU Meeting, May 1997.
Ledley, T.S., D. Barstow, S.J. Doubler, and H. McWilliams, "Integrating Research and Education in Earth Systems Science Through Student and Scientist Partnerships" presented at the 1997 Fall AGU Meeting, Eos, 78, F12, 1997.
Steen, R.S., and T.S. Ledley, "Use of a Coupled Energy Balance Climate-Continental Ice Sheet Model in Understanding Glacial-Interglacial Cycles", presented at the 1997 Fall AGU Meeting, Eos, 78, F25, 1997.
Ledley, T.S., The ENSO/Polar Project: Research Through a Student and Scientist Partnership, presented at the 1998 Spring AGU Meeting, May 1998.
Reiff, P., C. Law, C. Sumners, J. Apt, T. Ledley, Museums Teaching Planet Earth: An Earth Systems Information Partner., presented at the 1998 Spring AGU Meeting, May 1998.
Barstow, D., T.S. Ledley, H. McWilliams, "TERC's Development and Testing Plan
for "Exploring the Connections", GLOBE Earth Systems Science Module, presented at the 3rd Annual GLOBE Meeting, August, 1998.
Ledley, T.S., "A Student and Scientist Partnership: Investigating the Relationship Between El Nino and the Climate of the Polar Oceans, A Progress Report", presented at the 1998 Fall AGU Meeting, EOS,79, F64, 1998.
Reiff, P.H., C.C. Law, C. Sumners, T.S. Ledley, D.A. Roberts, "The Public Connections: Achievements and Future Plans", presented at the 1998 Fall AGU Meeting EOS,79, F738, 1998.
Ledley, T.S., "Investigating the Relationship Between El Nino and the Climate of the Polar Oceans Through a Student and Scientist Partnership", presented at the Spring 1999 AGU meeting, EOS, 80, S15, 1999.
Ledley, T.S., Barstow, D., Allen, J., Paget, K., "GLOBE Earth as a System: Exploring the Connections, 4th Annual GLOBE Meeting, July 1999.
Ledley, T.S. "A Student and Scientist Partnership to Investigate the Relationship Between El Nino and the Climate of the Polar Oceans", presented at the Geological Society of America Meeting, Denver Colorado, October 25, 1999.
Law, C.C., Reiff, P.H., C. Sumners, T.S. Ledley, D.A. Roberts, "Earth Update: A New Generation of Updateable Museum Software", presented at the 2000 Spring AGU Meeting, Washington DC, June 2000, EOS, 81, S50, 2000.
Ledley, T.S., "Understanding the Earth as a System: A Benefit to Everyone", 5th Annual GLOBE Meeting, Annapolis, Maryland, July 2000.
Ledley, T.S., "Global Climate Change: An Earth System Perspective", New Frontiers in Botany at the Botany 2000 meeting, Portland, Oregon, August 2000.
Reiff, P.H., Law, C.C., Ledley, T.S., Sumners, C, "Earth Update/Space Update – a Digital Library for the Rest of Us", presented at the 2000 Fall AGU Meeting, San Francisco,California, December 2000, EOS, 81, F296, 2000.
Sumners, C., Reiff, P.H., Ledley, T.S., Handron, K., "Globe Theatre - Digital Immersive Earth and Space Science Productions", presented at the 2000 Fall AGU Meeting, San Francisco, California, December 2000, EOS, 81, F287, 2000.
Ledley, T.S., "An Earth System Scientist Network for Student and Scientist Partnerships", presented at the 2001 Spring AGU Meeting, Boston, MA, EOS, 82, S117, 2001.
Ledley, T.S., L. Welling, P. McClurg, B. Caron, P. Reiff, "The Federation of Earth Science Information Partners: Tools to Educate the Public About the Challenges of Global Climate Change", Abstracts: Challenges of a Changing Earth, Global Change Open Science Conference 10-13 July, 2001, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 419, 2001.
Ledley, T.S., "Facilitating a Meaningful Student and Scientist Partnership", 6th Annual GLOBE Meeting, July 2001.
Caron, B., T.S. Ledley, "Non-Web-Based Resources for Classroom and Informal Education Use: Data Discovery from the Arctic to the Amazon", 2nd DLESE Annual Meeting, Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, AZ, August 2001.
Downs, R., H. Burrows, B., Caron, T.S. Ledley, R. Raskin,, "Community Liaisons: Synergies Between DLESE and the Federation of Earth Science Information Partners", 2nd DLESE Annual Meeting, Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, AZ, August 2001.
Ledley, T.S., and P. Morin, "An Earth Exploration Toolbook: A Guide to Sample Uses of Selected Educational Products", 2nd DLESE Annual Meeting, Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, AZ, August 2001.
Ledley, T.S., N. Haddad, "An Earth System Scientist Network: Working Toward Meaningful Student and Scientist Partnerships", Boston 2001: A Geo-Odyssey, GSA Annual Meeting and Exposition Abstracts, Geological Society of America, Boston, MA, A35, November 2001.
Ledley, T.S., H. Burrows, B. Caron, "The Federation of Earth Science Information Partners", NSDL All Projects Meeting, Washington D.C. December 2-4, 2001.
Ledley, T.S., N. Haddad, J. Lockwood, "Facilitating the Development of Successful Student-Teacher-Scientist Partnerships", presented at the 2002 Spring AGU Meeting, Washington DC, EOS, 83, S120, 2002.
Sumners, C, T. Ledley, P.H. Reiff, "Using Titanic to Teach Earth Science", presented at the 2002 Spring AGU Meeting, Washington DC, EOS, 83, S118, 2002.
Ledley, T.S., H. Burrows, B. Caron, R. Downs, "ESIP Federation Learning Resources", presented at the 2002 DLESE Annual Meeting.
Reiff, P, C. Sumners, T. Ledley, C. Law, D. Streutker, "Science That Sells - What The Public Really Wants", to be presented at the World Space Congress, Houston, Texas, October 16, 2002.
Ledley, T.S., N. Haddad, J.Lockwood, and D. Brooks, "A Student-Teacher-Scientist Partnership: Atmospheric Aerosols - Collecting and Correlating Data", presented at the Geological Society of America Meeting, Denver, Colorado, October 30, 2002, The Geological Society of America: Science at the Highest Level, Annual Meeting and Exposition Abstracts with Programs, p522, 2002.
Ledley, T.S., C. Manduca, L. Dahlman, S. Fox, and R. Downs, "A Collection of Examples of Educational Uses of Earth System Science Tools, Datasets, and Resources", presented at the NSDL All Projects Meeting, Dec 2-4, 2002, Washington DC.
Ledley, T.S., N. Haddad, J.Lockwood, and D. Brooks, "Involving Students in Authentic Research Through Student-Teacher-Scientist Partnerships" Abstract Volume 83rd AMS Annual Meeting, 9-13 February 2003, 12th Symposium on Education, Long Beach, California, 342-343, 2003.
Ledley, T.S., "Federation of Earth Science Information Partners: Bringing Earth Science Data and Information to Education", presented at the ESSE 21 Meeting, Morgan State University, Baltimore, Maryland, June 12, 2003.
Ledley, T.S., "Facilitating the Use of Earth Science Data in Education", presented at the ESSE 21 Meeting, Morgan State University, Baltimore, Maryland, June 12, 2003.
Ledley, T.S., L. Dahlman, C. McAuliffe, N. Haddad, C. Manduca, S. Fox, D. Blaha, R. Freuder, R. Downs, "Earth Exploration Toolbook", presented at the ESIP Federation Summer Meeting in Boulder Colorado, July 2003.
Ledley, T.S., L. Dahlman, C. McAuliffe, N. Haddad, C. Manduca, S. Fox, D. Blaha, R. Freuder, R. Downs, "Earth Exploration Toolbook", presented at the 4th Annual DLESE Meeting in Boulder Colorado, August 2003.
Holzer, M., T.S. Ledley, D. Brooks, "Atmospheric Aerosols Project: A Student-Teacher-Scientist Partnership", presented at the 4th Annual DLESE Meeting in Boulder Colorado, August 2003.
Ledley, T.S., L. Dahlman, C. McAuliffe, N. Haddad, C. Manduca, S. Fox, D. Blaha, R. Freuder, R. Downs, "Earth Exploration Toolbook", presented at the NSDL All Projects Meeting, Washington D.C., Oct 12-15, 2003.
Ledley, T.S., D. Jones, D. Wertz, "The Federation of Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP Federation): An Organization that Promotes and Facilitates Collaboration", presented at the NSDL All Projects Meeting, Washington D.C., Oct 12-15, 2003.
Downs, R., T.S. Ledley, J. Frew, H. Burrows, "ESIP Federation Cooperation with NSDL", presented at the NSDL All Projects Meeting, Washington DC, October 12-15, 2003.
Ledley, T.S., B. Domenico, M. Taber, L. Dahlman, "DLESE Data Services: Facilitating the Development and Effective Use of Earth System Science Data in Education", Geoscience Horizons: Seattle 2003, Abstracts with Programs, GSA Annual Meeting and Exposition, p568, November 2-5, 2003.
Pandya, R.E., S. Buhr, T.C. Reeves, E. Geary, T. Ledley, "Strategies for Using Web Resources: Ideas from the Digital Library for Earth System Education", Geoscience Horizons: Seattle 2003, Abstracts with Programs, GSA Annual Meeting and Exposition, p359, November 2-5, 2003.
Ledley, T.S., L. Dahlman, C. McAuliffe, N. Haddad, C. Manduca, S. Fox, D. Blaha, R. Freuder, R. Downs, "The Earth Exploration Toolbook: Facilitating the Use of Data to Teach Earth Science Processes", Geoscience Horizons: Seattle 2003, Abstracts with Programs, GSA Annual Meeting and Exposition, p115, November 2-5, 2003.
Ledley, T.S, B. Domenico, M.R. Taber, L. Dahlman "DLESE Data Services-Facilitating Effective Use of Earth System Science Data in Education", presented at the American Geophysical Union Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 8-12, 2003.
Ledley, T.S., L. Dahlman, C. McAuliffe, N. Haddad, C. Manduca, S. Fox, D. Blaha, R. Freuder, R. Downs, "The Earth Exploration Toolbook: An Opportunity to Bring Earth Science Data to the Educational Community", presented at the American Geophysical Union Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 8-12, 2003.
Brooks, D., M. Holzer, T.S. Ledley, "Atmospheric Aerosols Project: A GLOBE Student-Teacher-Scientist Partnership", presented at the American Geophysical Union Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 8-12, 2003.
Downs, R., T.S. Ledley, H.M. Mogil, P.H. Reiff, "ESIP Federation Education and Outreach", presented at the American Geophysical Union Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 8-12, 2003.
Ledley, T.S., L. Dahlman, C. McAuliffe, N. Haddad, C. Manduca, S. Fox, R. Freuder, D. Blaha, R. Downs, "The Earth Exploration Toolbook", ESIP Federation Meeting, Orlando Florida, January 5-8, 2004.
Schloss, A.L., T.S. Ledley, A.D. Gould, D. Blaha, R. Freuder, "Two Approaches To Making A Large Institutional Earth Science Data System Accessible To Educators And Students", presented at the special session: Using Real-time Environmental Data for Education at the Ocean Research Conference sponsored by The Oceanography Society (TOS) and the American Society of Limnology and Oceanography (ASLO), Honolulu, Hawaii, Feb. 15-20, 2004.
Domenico, B., J. Caron, T. Ledley, R. Pandya, "Thredds (Thematic Real-Time Environmental Distributed Data Services): Integrating Environmental Data And Analysis Tools Into Digital Libraries", presented at the special session: Using Real-time Environmental Data for Education at the Ocean Research Conference sponsored by The Oceanography Society (TOS) and the American Society of Limnology and Oceanography (ASLO), Honolulu, Hawaii, Feb. 15-20, 2004.
Ledley, T.S., "Facilitating Access to and Effective Use of Data in Education", Getting Planetary Data in the Hands of Educators Workshop, Session: Needs and Challenges of Data Use by the Education Community, Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston, Texas, March 14, 2004.
Holzer, M.A., L. Dahlman, T. Ledley, "Earth Exploration Toolbook: Using Excel to Analyze Climate Patterns, Precipitation, and Streamflow" presented at the National NSTA Meeting, Atlanta, GA, April 1-4, 2004.
Dahlman, L., C. McAuliffe, T. Ledley, "Earth Exploration Toolbook: Making Measurements and Annotating Change in Satellite Images", presented at the National NSTA Meeting, Atlanta, GA, April 1-4, 2004.
Ledley, T.S., L. Dahlman, C. McAuliffe, "The Earth Exploration Toolbook – A Resource that Can Facilitate the Use of Earth Science Data in Education", DLESE Data Services Workshop, New England Center, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, May 23-27, 2004.
Ledley, T.S., "DLESE Data Services: Facilitating Access to and Effective Use of Data in Education", presented at the Bridging the Poles Workshop, Washington DC, June 23-25, 2004.
Ledley, T.S., N. Haddad, R. Downs, and M. Ledley, "The Earth Exploration Toolbook: Using Real Data to Investigate the Streamflow-Precipitation Relationship" Skills workshop held at the 5th Annual DLESE Meeting, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, July 10, 2004.
Ledley, T.S., C. McAuliffe, M. Ledley, "Earth Exploration Toolbook - Facilitate Using of Earth Science Data in Education", 5th Annual DLESE Meeting, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, July 11, 2004.
Ledley, T.S., "How Do We Assess Quality for Visualizations, Models, Data and Other Related Resources", 5th Annual DLESE Meeting, University of Wisconsin, Madison, July 11-13, 2004.
Ledley, T.S., "Insights from Learning Science about How People Learn from Data", RODES Workshop, Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia University, Palisades, NY, July 21-23, 2004.
Ledley, T.S., "The Earth Exploration Toolbook", RODES Workshop, Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia University, Palisades, NY, July 21-23, 2004.
Ledley, T.S., "The Earth Exploration Toolbook", NSDL All Projects Meeting, Chicago, November 15-17, 2004.
Ledley, T.S., "Using the Digital Library for Earth System Education (DLESE) to Facilitate a Fuller Understanding of Earth through Comparisons with Other Planetary Bodies", presented at the 2004 Fall AGU Meeting in San Francisco, December 2004, EOS, 85, pF502, Dec. 2004.
Dahlman, L., T.S. Ledley, and C. McAuliffe, "The Earth Exploration Toolbook: Facilitating the Use of IPY and IHY Data in Education", presented at the 2004 Fall AGU Meeting in San Francisco, December 2004, EOS, 85, pF533, Dec. 2004.
Ledley, T.S., and L. Dahlman, "The Earth Exploration Toolbook: Making Diverse Earth Science Datasets Available and Usable by Space and Earth Science Researchers and Decision Makers", presented at the 2004 Fall AGU Meeting in San Francisco, December 2004, EOS, 85, pF46, Dec. 2004.
Freuder, R., and T.S. Ledley, "The Federation of Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP Federation): Facilitating Partnerships that Work to Bring Earth Science Data into Educational Settings", presented at the 2004 Fall AGU Meeting in San Francisco, December 2004, EOS, 85, pF507, Dec. 2004.
Dahlman, L. and T.S. Ledley, "Earth Exploration Toolbook: Step-by-step instructions for using digital data and analysis tools", presented at the National NSTA Meeting, Dallas, Texas, March 31-April 3, 2005.
Haddad, N. and T.S. Ledley, "Earth Exploration Toolbook: Using GLOBE Data to Study the Earth System", presented at the National NSTA Meeting, Dallas, Texas, March 31-April 3, 2005.
Ledley, T.S., Outcomes of the 2004 DLESE Data Services Workshop, 2005 DLESE Data Services Workshop, Breckenridge, Colorado, April 18, 2005.
Ledley, T.S., and L. Dahlman, "The Earth Exploration Toolbook: Making Your Data Available to the Educational Community", presented at the Federation of Earth Science Information Partners summer meeting, San Diego, California, June 14-16, 2005.
Ledley, T.S., L. Dahlman, C. McAuliffe, N. Haddad, "The Earth Exploration Toolbook: Facilitating the Use of Earth Science Data in Education", Presented at the 2005 DLESE Annual Meeting, St Petersburg, Florida, July 9-12, 2005.
Ledley, T.S. and N. Haddad, Using GLOBE Data to Study the Earth System, 2005 DLESE Annual Meeting, St Petersburg, Florida, July 9-12, 2005.
Haddad, N., and T.S. Ledley, Investigating the Streamflow-Precipitation Relationship, 2005 DLESE Annual Meeting, St Petersburg, Florida, July 9-12, 2005.
Dahlman, L, and T.S. Ledley, When is Dinner Served? Predicting the Spring Phytoplankton Bloom in the Gulf of Maine, 2005 DLESE Annual Meeting, St Petersburg, Florida, July 9-12, 2005.
Ledley, T., L. Dalhman, A. Buss, "ESIP Federation: Supplying Earth Observation Data to GIS Education". Presented at the ESRI Education Users Conference, San Diego, CA, July 23-26, 2005.
Ledley, TS, C McAuliffe, L Dalhman, N Haddad, "The Earth Exploration Toolbook", presented at the 2005 NSDL All Projects Meeting, Denver, CO, November 16-28, 2005.
Ledley, TS, L Dahlman, C McAuliffe, B Domenico, MR Taber, "The Earth Exploration Toolbook and DLESE Data Services Workshops: Facilitating the Use of Geoscience Data to Convey Scientific Concepts to Students". Invited presentation given at the Fall 2005 AGU Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 5-9, 2005.
Ledley, TS, L Dahlman, C McAuliffe, N Haddad, "The Earth Exploration Toolbook: A Resource that Facilitates Access to and Analysis of Earth Science Data by Teachers and Students", Invited talk presented at the Fall 2005 AGU Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 5-9, 2005.
Lynds, S, S Buhr, T Ledley, "Encouraging Data Use in the Classroom—DLESE Workshop Evaluation Results", presented at the Fall 2005 AGU Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 5-9, 2005.
Manduca, CA, S Fox, DW Mogk, TS Ledley, "The Using Data in the Classroom Portal: an Educational Component of the Earth Information Exchange", presented at the Federation of Earth Science Information Partners Meeting, Washington DC, January 4-6, 2006.
Ledley, TS, L Dahlman, C McAuliffe, B Domenico, MR Taber, "The Earth Exploration Toolbook and DLESE Data Services Workshops: Integrating Research and Education for the Benefit of Scientists and Students", presented at the Federation of Earth Science Information Partners Meeting, Washington DC, January 4-6, 2006.
Ledley, TS, L Dahlman, C McAuliffe, B Domenico, MR Taber, "The Earth Exploration Toolbook and DLESE Data Services Workshops: Mechanisms to Facilitate Effective Use of the International Scientific Years Data by Students And Teachers", presented at the European Geosciences Union meeting, Vienna, Austria, April 2-7, 2006.
Ledley, TS, L Dahlman, C McAuliffe, N Haddad, "Earth Exploration Toolbook - Facilitate Using of Earth Science Data in Education," http://swiki.dlese.org/2006-dataservicesworkshop/4, presented at the 2006 DLESE Data Services Workshop, May 15-17, 2006.
Ledley, TS, C. Meyer, B. Caron, C McAuliffe, "Facilitating the Use of Earth Science Data in Education: Leveraging NSDL Projects and External Scientific Research and Educational Efforts", panel held at the National Science Digital Library All Projects Meeting, Washington, DC, October 18-20, 2006.
Ledley, TS, C McAuliffe, L Dahlman, N Haddad, "Building Bridges Between Scientists and the Educational Community: A Spectrum of Education and Outreach Activities Involving Earth Science Data and Analysis Tools" presented at the National Science Digital Library All Projects Meeting, Washington DC, October 18-20, 2006.
Ledley, TS, L Dahlman, C McAuliffe, B Domenico, MR Taber, "Building Bridges Between IPY Scientists and the Educational Community: A Spectrum of IPY Education and Outreach Activities", presented at the Fall 2006 AGU Meeting, San Francisco, CA. Dec 11-15, 2006.
McCaffrey, MS, TS Ledley, C Manduca, and R Salmon, "Integrating Research, Education, Outreach, and Communication Through Storytelling: A Case Study in Progress", presented at the Fall 2006 AGU Meeting, San Francisco, CA, Dec 11-15, 2006.
Ledley, TS, N Haddad, C McAuliffe, L Dahlman, "Tools for Data Analysis in the Middle School Classroom: A Teacher Professional Development Program, invited presentation at the Fall 2006 AGU Meeting, San Francisco, CA. Dec 11-15, 2006.
Ledley, TS, L Dahlman, C McAuliffe, L Dahlman, "Building Bridges Between the Scientific and Educational Communities: The Earth Exploration Toolbook and Associated Spectrum of Education and Outreach Activities, presented at the Federation of Earth Science Information Partners Winter 2007 Meeting, January 3-5, 2007.
Ledley, TS, "Earth Exploration Toolbook – Analyzing the Antarctic Ozone Hole", presented at the 2007 NSTA Conference, March 30, 2007.
Ledley, TS, L Dahlman, B Domenico, and MR Taber, "AccessData: Bridging the Scientific and Educational Communities" presented at the 2007 ESIP Federation Summer Meeting, Madison, Wisconsin, July 18-20, 2007.
Ledley, TS, L Dahlman, B Domenico, and MR Taber, "AccessData: Making Geoscience Data Accessible and Usable by the Education Community," GSA Annual Meeting & Exposition 2007 Earth Sciences for Society Abstracts with Programs,39, no.6, p251, presented at the 2007 Geological Society of America meeting, Denver, Colorado, October 28-31, 2007.
Ledley, TS, N Haddad, C McAuliffe, and L Dahlman, "DataTools: A Professional Development Program to Facilitate the Effective Use of Earth Science Data and Analysis Tools in the Middle School Classroom," GSA Annual Meeting & Exposition 2007 Earth Sciences for Society Abstracts with Programs, 39, no.6,p411, presented at the 2007 Geological Society of America meeting, Denver, Colorado, October 28-31, 2007.
McAuliffe, C, TS Ledley, L Dahlman, and N Haddad, "EET Workshops: Professional Development that Promotes the use of Web-based Scientific Data and Analysis Tools in Educational Settings, " GSA Annual Meeting & Exposition 2007 Earth Sciences for Society Abstracts with Programs,39, no.6,p542, presented at the 2007 Geological Society of America meeting, Denver, Colorado, October 28-31, 2007.
McAuliffe, C., Ledley, TS,., Dahlman, L, Haddad, N, "Sustainability of an NSDL Project: The Earth Exploration Toolbook", presented at the 2007 NSDL All Projects Meeting, Arlington, VA, November 6-8, 2007.
Ledley, TS, L Dahlman, C McAuliffe, N Haddad, "The Earth Exploration Toolbook: Scaffolding Access and Use of Earth Science Data to Promote Effective Inquiry Investigations by Students" Eos Trans. AGU,88(52), Fall Meeting. Suppl. Abstract ED51C-05, presented at the Fall 2007 AGU Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 10-14, 2007.
Ledley, TS, L Dahlman, B Domenico, M Taber, "AccessData: Opening Effective Lines of Communication Between IPY Scientists and Educators to Bring IPY Data into the Classroom", Eos Trans. AGU,88(52), Fall Meeting. Suppl. Abstract ED13A-04, invited presentation at the Fall 2007 AGU Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 10-14, 2007.
Lynds, S, S Buhr, T Ledley, "Enabling the Use of Authentic Scientific Data in the Classroom—Lessons Learned from the AccessData and Data Services Workshops", Eos Trans. AGU,88(52), Fall Meeting. Suppl. Abstract ED51B-0409, presented at the Fall 2007 AGU Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 10-14, 2007.
Meier, W, E Youngman, L Dahlman, TS Ledley, "Whither Arctic Sea Ice? – An Earth Exploration Toolbook chapter on the climate's canary in a coal mine", Eos Trans. AGU,88(52), Fall Meeting. Suppl. Abstract ED11A-0111, presented at the Fall 2007 AGU Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 10-14, 2007.
McAuliffe, C, TS Ledley, L Dahlman, N Haddad, "Earth Exploration Toolbook Workshops: Helping Teachers and Students Analyze Web-based Scientific Data", Eos Trans. AGU,88(52), Fall Meeting. Suppl. Abstract ED51A-0131, presented at the Fall 2007 AGU Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 10-14, 2007.
Haddad, N, TS Ledley, C McAuliffe, L Dahlman, "The DataTools Professional Development Program: Supporting the Integration of Data and Analysis in Middle School Earth Science Programs", Eos Trans. AGU,88(52), Fall Meeting. Suppl. Abstract ED44A-05, presented at the Fall 2007 AGU Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 10-14, 2007.
Ledley, TS, L Dahlman, B Domenico, MR Taber, "Engaging the Scientific Community in K-12 Climate Change Education", presented at the 8th National Conference on Science, Policy and the Environment: Climate Change: Science and Solutions, Washington DC, January 16-18, 2008.
Ledley, TS, L Dahlman, B Domenico, MR Taber, "AccessData: Making Your Data Accessible and Usable by Educators and Students", presented at the Summer ESIP Federation Meeting, Durham, New Hampshire, July 2008.
Ledley, TS, "The Earth Exploration Toolbook and AccessData Workshop: Addressing the Broader Impacts Criteria of Your Science Proposals", breakout session at the Summer ESIP Federation Meeting, Durham, New Hampshire, July 2008.
Ledley, TS, L Dahlman, C McAuliffe, N Haddad, The Earth Exploration Toolbook and Associated Spectrum of Earth System Science Education and Outreach Activities, presented at the Coalition for Earth System Education Meeting, Ithaca, New York, September 12-13, 2008.
Lynds, SE, SM Buhr, and TS Ledley, Iterative Evaluation as an Essential Component in an Innovative Annual Workshop , presented at the Evaluation 2008, American Evaluation Association, Meeting, Denver Colorado, Nov 5-8, 2008.
Ledley, TS, A Prakash, CA Manduca, S Fox, L Dahlman, B Domenico, MR Taber, "Archiving Data to Facilitate Its Use in Education", presented at the Fall 2008 AGU Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 15-19, 2008.
Ledley, TS, J. Libarkin, K McNeal, K Ellins, D Barstow, E Bardar, C Comer, "Facilitating Students Understanding Change in the Earth System on Multiple Time Scales", presented at the Fall 2008 AGU Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 15-19, 2008.
Acker, J, H Riebeek, TS Ledley, D Herring, S Lloyd, "The Citizens And Remote Sensing Observational Network (CARSON) Guide: Merging NASA Remote-Sensing Data with Local Environmental Awareness", presented at the Fall 2008 AGU Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 15-19, 2008.
Haddad, N, TS Ledley, C McAuliffe, L Dahlman, "DataTools: A Professional Development Program Supporting the Integration of Technology and Scientific Data in Earth Science Programs" , presented at the Fall 2008 AGU Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 15-19, 2008.
McAuliffe, C., TS Ledley, "Earth Exploration Toolbook Workshops: Web-Conferencing and Teleconferencing Professional Development Bringing Earth Science Data Analysis and Visualization Tools to K-12 Teachers and Students", presented at the Fall 2008 AGU Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 15-19, 2008.
Turk, J, S Kluge, A Evan, K Hutson, L Kropuenske, T Ledley, M Mooney, "Navigating the Hurricane Highway: Understanding Hurricanes with Google Earth", presented at the 2009 American Meteorological Society Meeting, Phoenix, AZ, January 2009.
Ledley, TS, A. Prakash, C Manduca, S Fox, "Finding Earth Science Data Relevant to You, Your Students and Your Curriculum", presented at the 2009 National Science Teachers Association Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana,, March 19-22, 2009.
McAuliffe, C., L Dahlman, TS Ledley, "Mapping Environmental Quality with a Geographic Information System (GIS): Exploring the Environmental Sustainability Index (ESI) for Countries Across the World", presented at the 2009 National Science Teachers Association Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana,, March 19-22, 2009.
Ledley, TS, B Rogan, A Prados, E Robinson, S Raffuse, and S Kluge, "Tracking Wildfire Extent and Aerosol Dispersal Using Satellite Imagery and Smoke Aerosols Datasets: A FUNding Friday Earth Exploration Toolbook Chapter, ESIP Federation Summer 2009 Meeting, Santa Barbara California, July 8, 2009.
Ledley, TS, "Climate Literacy: Essential Principles of Climate Science – Overview", ESIP Federation Summer 2009 Meeting,Santa Barbara California, July 8, 2009.Ledley, TS, "Earth Exploration Toolbook", ESIP Federation Summer 2009 Meeting, Santa Barbara California, July 9, 2009.
Ledley, TS, "The Climate Literacy Essential Principles: Improving Climate Literacy Across All Stakeholders and Audiences", invited to be presented in the "Promoting Literacy about Earth System Science Concepts" session at the Geological Society of America meeting, Portland, Oregon, October 2009.
Ledley, TS, and M McCaffrey, "Climate Literacy and Energy Awareness Network (CLEAN)", to be presented at the 2009 Fall American Geophysical Union Meeting, San Francisco, CA, Dec 14-18, 2009.
Haddad, N., TS Ledley, C McAuliffe, D Reider, "The DataTools Professional Development Program: Sustainability via a University Partnership", submitted to be presented at the 2009 Fall American Geophysical Union Meeting, San Francisco, CA, Dec 14-18, 2009.
Taber, M., TS Ledley, A Prakash, B Domenico, "Making Geoscience Data Relevant for Students, Teachers, ad the Public" submitted to be presented at the 2009 Fall American Geophysical Union Meeting, San Francisco, CA, Dec 14-18, 2009.
McCaffrey, M, TS Ledley, and F Niepold, "Climate 101: Lessons from the Essential Principles of Climate Literacy", Workshop session to be presented at the National Council of Science and the Environment: The Green Economy meeting, January 20, 2010.
Ledley, TS, E. Bardar, N. Haddad, K. McNeal, "Confronting the Challenges of Teaching Climate Science", to be presented at the 6th Quadrennial Conference of the International Geoscience Educators Organization (IGEO), Johannesburg, South Africa, August 30 – Sept 3, 2010.
Ledley, TS, "The Climate Literacy Network: Facilitating Informed Environmental Decision Making", to be presented at the North American Association for Environmental Education (NAAEE), Buffalo, NewYork, September 29 - October 2, 2010.
Ledley, TS, and E. Bardar, "EarthLabs: Laboratory Courses in Earth and Environmental Sciences", to be presented at the North American Association for Environmental Education (NAAEE), Buffalo, NewYork, September 29 – October 2, 2010.
Gold, A., TS Ledley, M McCaffrey, S Buhr, C Manduca, F Niepold, S Fox, C Howell, and S Lynds, "Climate Literacy and Energy Awareness Network (CLEAN): A Rigorous Peer-Review Process for Building a New Collection of High-Quality Digital Teaching Materials on Climate and Energy Science", submitted to be presented at the Geological Society of America meeting, Denver Colorado, Oct 31-Nov 3, 2010.
Gulich, L, JC Libarkin, K McNeal, TS Ledley, "High School Student Understanding of the Cryosphere", to be presented at the Geological Society of America meeting, Denver Colorado, Oct 31-Nov 3, 2010.
Fox, S, E Iverson, TS Ledley,Making Resources Relevant to Users: Annotated Reviews and Pedagogic Bridging, Panel Discussion to be Presented at the NSDL All Projects Meeting, November 1-3, 2010.
Ledley, TS, MS McCaffrey, SM Buhr, CA Manduca, S Fox, F Niepold, AU Gold, "The Climate Literacy and Energy Awareness Network (CLEAN) Pathway: Integrating Science and Solutions", submitted to be presented at the Fall 2010 American Geophysical Union Meeting, San Francisco, CA, Dec 13-17, 2010.
Gold, AU, TS Ledley, MS McCaffrey, SM Buhr, CA Manduca, F Niepold, S Fox, C Howell, S Lynds, "Lessons Learned from a Rigorous Peer-Review Process for Building the Climate Literacy and Energy Awareness (CLEAN) Collection of High-Quality Digital Teaching Mateials", submitted to be presented at the Fall 2010 American Geophysical Union Meeting, San Francisco, CA, Dec 13-17, 2010.
Ledley, TS, B Youngman, W Meier, E Bardar, "Enabling Climate Science Investigations by Students Using Cryosphere Climate Data Records (CDRs)", submitted to be presented at the Fall 2010 American Geophysical Union Meeting, San Francisco, CA, Dec 13-17, 2010.
Odell, M, KK Ellins, EJ Polito, CAC Comer, E Stocks, K Maganella, TS Ledley, "TXESS Revolution: Utilizing TERC's EarthLabs Cryosphere Module to Support Professional Development of Texas Teachers", submitted to be presented at the Fall 2010 American Geophysical Union Meeting, San Francisco, CA, Dec 13-17, 2010.
McNeal, KS, J Libarkin, TS Ledley, C Guthrie, "High School Students' Understanding of Change Over Time and System Complexity: A Focus on the Cryosphere", submitted to be presented at the Fall 2010 American Geophysical Union Meeting, San Francisco, CA, Dec 13-17, 2010.
McCaffrey, MS, SM Buhr, AU Gold, TS Ledley, ME Mooney, F Niepold, "Cyberlearning for Climate Literacy: Challenges and Opportunities", submitted to be presented at the Fall 2010 American Geophysical Union Meeting, San Francisco, CA, Dec 13-17, 2010.
Ledley, TS, K McNeal, J Libarkin, K Ellins, N Haddad, E Bardar, C Comer, Earth System Science: A Key to Climate Literacy, presented at the Tri-Agency Climate Change Education PI Meeting, Feb 28-March 2, 2011.
Ledley, TS, M McCaffrey, S Buhr, C Manduca, S Fox, C Howell, Climate Literacy and Energy Awareness Network (CLEAN) Pathway, presented at the Tri-Agency Climate Change Education PI Meeting, Feb 28-March 2, 2011.
Grogan, M, F Fetterer, M Serreze, D Ivanova, J Weber, H Wilcox, TS Ledley, "Students Investigate Climate Change in Polar Regions Using Cryospheric (permafrost, sea ice, ice sheets) Data Records", presented at the AMS 11th Conference on Polar Meteorology and Oceanography, Boston MA, May 2-4, 2011.
Ledley, TS, "Climate Literacy and Energy Awareness Network (CLEAN) Pathway Collection and Community", presented at the ESIP Federation meeting in Santa Fe, New Mexico, July 2011.
Ledley, TS, "Earth Exploration Toolbook – A Demonstration", presented at the International Society for Design and Development in Education (ISDDE) Meeting, Boston, MA, September 14, 2011.
Ledley, TS, "Enabling Science Literacy: Bridging the Communication Gap Between the Scientific/Technical Community and the Public and Educational Community", presented at the GSA Annual Meeting and Exposition, Minneapolis, MN, October 9-12, 2011.
Ledley, TS, MS McCaffrey, AU Gold, SM Buhr, CA Manduca, S Fox, M Grogan, K Kirk, F Niepold, and C Howell, "The Climate Literacy and Energy Awareness Network (CLEAN) – Facilitating Climate Literacy", presented at the GSA Annual Meeting and Exposition, Minneapolis, MN, October 9-12, 2011.
McNeal, KS, J Libarkin, TS Ledley, S Dutta, C Templeton and J Geroux, "Measures of High School Student's Understanding of Temporal and Spatial Thinking Related to Earth System Science, presented at the GSA Annual Meeting and Exposition, Minneapolis, MN, October 9-12, 2011.
Libarkin, J, T Singer R Drost, K McNeal, TS Ledley, "Search Efficiency and Usability in an Online Climate Change Curriculum", presented at the GSA Annual Meeting and Exposition, Minneapolis, MN, October 9-12, 2011.
Kirk, KB, K Wiese, CA Manduca, TS Ledley, "Supporting Undergraduate Research in Climate and Energy with Professional Development for Faculty," presented at the GSA Annual Meeting and Exposition, Minneapolis, MN, October 9-12, 2011.
Larsen, K, PH Bohacek, KB Kirk, CA Manduca, TS Ledley, L Schmitt, "K-12 Science: A New SERC Portal to Classroom Activities and Pedagogic Guidance," presented at the GSA Annual Meeting and Exposition, Minneapolis, MN, October 9-12, 2011.
Ledley, TS, "The Climate Literacy Network: Improving Climate Change Education Nationwide", Roundtable session at the NAAEE Annual Conference, Raleigh NC, October 2011.
Ledley, TS, "The Climate Literacy and Energy Awareness Network (CLEAN) Pathway Collection of Reviewed Educational Resources" presented at the NAAEE Annual Conference, Raleigh NC, October 2011.
Ledley, TS, N Haddad, K McNeal, J Libarkin, K Ellins, "EarthLabs: High School Laboratory Modules Addressing Climate Change Science", presented at the NAAEE Annual Conference, Raleigh, NC, October 2011.
Cherry, L, TS Ledley, KS Hollweg, R Burnes, K Poppleton, L Morris, R Vachon, "Climate Change Education: Science Solutions, Inspiration, and Empowerment", presented at the NAAEE Annual Conference, Raleigh, NC, October 2011.
Ledley, TS, "Confronting the Challenges of Climate Literacy", presented at the Massachusetts STEM Summit 2011: Advancing the STEM Agenda Locally and Nationally, Newton, MA, October 18, 2011.
Ledley, TS, MS McCaffrey, AU Gold, SM Buhr, CA Manduca, S Fox, K Kirk, M Grogan, F Niepold, S Lynds, and C Howell, "Climate Literacy and Energy Awareness Network (CLEAN) – Supporting the Scientists and Citizens of Tomorrow", presented at the AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, December 2011.
Gold, AU, TS Ledley, K Kirk, M Grogan, M McCaffrey, S Buhr, CA Manduca, S Fox, F Niepold, C Howell, and S Lynds, "Addressing Climate and Energy Misconceptions – Teaching Tools Offered by the Climate Literacy and Energy Awareness Network (CLEAN)", presented at the AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, December 2011.
Haddad, N, TS Ledley, E Bardar, C Dunlap, E Youngman, K McNeal, J Libarkin, "Confronting the Challenges of Climate Literacy at the High School Level", presented at the AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, December 2011.
McNeal, KS, J Libarkin, TS Ledley, S Dutta, C Templeton, J Geroux, G Blankley, "Understanding Student Cognition about Complex Earth System Processes Related to Climate Change", presented at the AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, December 2011.
Rooney-Varga, J, AA Brisk, TS Ledley, "Climate Change Education: Student Media Production to Education and Engage", presented at the AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, December 2011.
Mote, A.S., K.K. Ellins, N. Haddad, and T.S. Ledley, 2011, The EarthLabs Approach to Curriculum and Professional Development: Earth Science Education in the 21st Century, Abstract ED34B-08, presented at the 2011 Fall Meeting AGU, San Francisco, Calif., December 2011.
Ledley, TS, SM Buhr, AU Gold, "Teaching Climate and Energy: The CLEAN Collection of Peer-Reviewed Climate and Energy Learning Resources, presented at the NSTA Meeting, Indianapolis IN, March 2012.
Short Course at NSTA: (CLEAN participants: Ledley, Buhr, Gold): Climate Change Essential Knowledge and Beyond: Using the past to predict the future, presented at the NSTA Meeting, Indianapolis IN, March 2012.
Ledley, TS, S Buhr, D Blockstein, and D Hassenzahl, "Learn How to Access and Leverage Climate Change Education Resrouces and Broaden Your Reach with CLEAN and CAMEL, presented at the Tri-Agency Climate Change Education PI meeting, Arlington VA, April 2012.
Ledley TS, E Bardar, N Haddad, K Ellins, J Libarkin, K McNeal, "Earth System Science: A Key to Climate Literacy," presented at the Tri-Agency Climate Change Education PI Meeting, Arlington VA, April 2012.
Ledley, TS, M Grogan, J Lockwood, C Dunlap, S Buhr, AU Gold, S Lynds, C Manduca, S Fox, K Kirk, F Niepold, C Howell, "Climate Literacy and Energy Awareness Network (CLEAN)," presented at the Tri-Agency Climate Change Education PI Meeting, Arlington VA, April 2012.
Ledley, TS, AU Gold, SM Buhr, CA Manduca, S Fox, K Kirk, M Grogan, F Niepold, S Lynds, C Howell, "Climate Literacy and Energy Awareness Network (CLEAN) – A Mechaniam for Broader Impacts of Research Efforts, presented at the ESIP Federation Meeting, Madison, WI, July 17-20, 2012.
Ledley, TS, F Niepold, "CLEAN-Finding Reviewed Climate and Energy Resources to Enhance Teaching", presented at the NAAEE National Conference, Oakland, CA, October 2012.
Ledley, TS, F Niepold, P Steffen, "The Climate Literacy Network: Leveraging Efforts to Improve Conservation Education", presented at the NAAEE National Conference, Oakland, CA, October 2012.
McCaffrey, MS, and TS Ledley, "Integrating Climate and Energy Literacy into Environmental Education", presented at the NAAEE National Conference, Oakland, CA, October 2012.
McNeal, K, J Libarkin, TS Ledley, N Haddad, K Ellins "The Role of Research in Online Curriculum Development: The Case of EarthLabs Climate Change Curriculum", presented at the Geological Society of America meeting, Charlotte, North Carolina, November, 2012.
Haddad, N., K McNeal, TS Ledley, C Dunlap, E Bardar, E Youngman, KK Ellins, S Buhr, S Lynds, J Libarkin, "EarthLabs Workshops: Increasing Teachers Understanding and Ability to Teach Climate Science", to be presented at the Geological Society of America meeting, Charlotte, North Carolina, November, 2012.
Ledley, TS, SM Buhr, AU Gold, C Manduca, S Fox, K Kirk, M Grogan, F Niepold, S Lynds, C Howell, "Climate Literacy and Energy Awareness Network (CLEAN) – Supporting Teacher's Efforts to Prepare Students to Address Environmental Challenges", presented at the Geological Society of America meeting, Charlotte, North Carolina, November, 2012.
Rooney-Varga, J., AA Brisk, M Grogan, and T Ledley, "Integrating Media Production by Students into Middle and High School Climate Change Education", Abstract ED31C-06, presented at the Fall 2012 AGU meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 2012.
Grogan, M, TS Ledley, S Buhr, "Climate Literacy and Energy Awareness Network (CLEAN) – Interactive Webinars for Teach Professional Development", Abstract ED23A-0737, presented at the Fall 2012 AGU meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 2012.
Bruckner, MZ, KC Larsen, S Buhr, K Kirk, TS Ledley, C Manduca, D Mogk, B Tewksbury, "On-line Resources for Teaching Sustainability", Abstract ED53F-0947, presented at the Fall 2012 AGU meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 2012.
Ledley, TS, S Carley, F Niepold, D Duggan-Haas, K Hollweg, M McCaffrey, "The Climate Literacy Network: Leveraging a Diverse Community to Broaden the Reach of Your Climate Literacy Efforts", Abstract ED32A-08, presented at the Fall 2012 AGU meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 2012.
Manduca, C, Bralower, Egger, S Fox, TS Ledley, B Macdonald, McConnel, D Mogk, B Tewksbury, "Developing a Large-Scale, Collaborative, Productive Geoscience Education Community", Abstract ED44A-07, presented at the Fall 2012 AGU meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 2012.
Haddad, N, TS Ledley, C Dunlap, E Bardar, B Youngman, KK Ellins, KS McNeal, J Libarkin, "Climate Literacy: Supporting Teachers Professional Development", ED23A-0734, presented at the Fall 2012 AGU meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 2012.
Manley JM, AN Barr, K Ellins, N Haddad, TS Ledley, C Dunlap, E Bardar, "Why Should We Care? Awakening Middle and High School Students to the Reality of Climate Change", Abstract ED21D-05, presented at the Fall 2012 AGU meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 2012.
Buhr, SM, AU Gold, TS Ledley, SE Lynds, "Using Evaluation Studies to Understand Eduator Needs, Practices and Strategies for Success in Climate Education", Abstract ED12B-06, presented at the Fall 2012 AGU meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 2012.Buhr, SM, AU Gold, E Kellagher, TS Ledley, SE Lynds, "Supporting Teachers' Needs in Climate Education: Strategies to Forestall Controversy, Develop Knowledge and Build Community", Abstract ED21D-01, presented at the Fall 2012 AGU meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 2012.
Gold, AU, TS Ledley, SM Buhr, CA Manduca, S Fox, KB Kirk, M Grogan, F Niepold, S Carley, SE Lynds, CD Howell, "Supporting Teachers in Climate Change Instruction – The Climate Literacy and Energy Awareness Network (CLEAN) Tool Kit", ED21D-07, presented at the Fall 2012 AGU meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 2012.
Chegwidden, DM, KK Ellins, N Haddad, TS Ledley, "Using EarthLabs to Enhance Earth Science Curriculum in Texas", Abstract ED23A-0738, presented at the Fall 2012 AGU meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 2012.
Gold. AU, S Buhr, TS Ledley, "Teaching Climate and Energy: The CLEAN Collection of Peer-Reviewed Climate and Energy Learning Resources", presented at the National NSTA Conference, San Antonio TX, March 2013.
Haddad, N, K Ellins, TS Ledley, K McNeal, JC Libarkin, "Climate Literacy: Supporting Teacher Professional Development", presented at the 47th Annual Meeting of the South-Central Section of the Geological Society of America, April 2013.
Ledley, TS, CLEAN: A Reviewed Collection of Climate and Energy Educational Resource, presented at the ESIP Federation Teacher's Workshop, ESIP Federation Meeting, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, July 9, 2013.
Ledley, TS, AU Gold, SB Sullivan, CA Manduca, S Fox, KKirk, M Grogan, and F Niepold, Climate Literacy and Energy Awareness Network (CLEAN) – Providing Reviewed Educational Resources to Enhance the Effective Use of Earth Science Data and Knowledge, presented at the ESIP Federation Meeting, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, July 9, 2013.
Johnson, R, Meyer, D, Downs, R, Ledley, TS, ESIP and the Next Generation of Science Standards: Opportunities for Improving Science Education and New Markets, presented at the ESIP Federation Meeting, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, July 11, 2013.
Ledley, TS, R. Burnes, F Niepold, P Steffen, K Hollweg, K Poppleton, D Fallick, and T Grant, "Climate Literacy and Energy Awareness Network (CLEAN Network)", presented at the 2013 NAAEE Conference, Baltimore, MD, October 10-12, 2013.
Ledley, TS, F Niepold, "CLEAN-Finding Reviewed Climate and Energy Resources to Enhance Teaching, presented at the 2013 NAAEE Conference, Baltimore, MD, October 10-12, 2013.
Haddad, N. TS Ledley, C Dunlap, "Climate and the Carbon Cycle: Digging into the Details", presented at the 2013 NAAEE Conference, Baltimore, MD, October 10-12, 2013.
Ledley, TS, AU Gold, F Niepold, M Grogan, K Kirk, SB Sullivan, S Lynds, M McCaffrey, CA Manduca, S Fox, "The Climate Literacy and Energy Awareness Network (CLEAN): Leveraging Reviewed Educational Resources and a Diverse Community to Achieve Climate Literacy Goals", presented at the 2013 Geological Society of America Meeting, Denver, Colorado, October 27-30, 2013.
Ledley, TS, AU Gold, D Morrison, "Teaching and Learning about the Climate in Geoscience Classrooms, presented at the Geological Society of America Meeting, Denver, CO, October 27-30, 2013.
Ellins, KK, E Quartini, TS Ledley, N Haddad, K McNeal, A Gold, S Lynds, J Libarkin, M Cavitte, K Thirmualai, "EarthLabs: Supporting Teacher Professional Development to Facilitate Effective Teaching of Climate Science", presented at the 2013 Geological Society of America Meeting, Denver, Colorado, October 27-30, 2013.
Ellins, KK, L Serpa, E Riggs, D Pennington, S Fox, K Larsen, T Ledley, S Mosher, K Miller, E Stocks, "Dig Texas Instructional Blueprints for Teaching Earth and Space Science," presented at the 2013 Geological Society of America Meeting, Denver, Colorado, October 27-30, 2013
Gold, AU, TS Ledley, SB Sullivan, M Grogan, S Lynds, "Climate Communication and Education – Effective Framework Developed by the Climate Literacy and Energy Awareness Network (CLEAN), presented at the 2013 Geological Society of America Meeting, Denver, Colorado, October 27-30, 2013.
Gold, AU, TS Ledley, K Kirk, SB Sullivan, C Manduca, S Lynds, "Investigating and Supporting Energy Education as a Component of Climate Education", presented at the 2013 Geological Society of America Meeting, Denver, Colorado, October 27-30, 2013.
Ledley, TS, AU Gold, F Niepold, M McCaffrey, "The CLEAN Network – Working Toward Collective Impact on Climate Literacy", presented at the 2013 Fall AGU Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 9-13, 2013.
Ledley, TS and F Niepold, "The Future of Climate Change Education and Communication: Preparing Our Posterity for Risks and Opportunity", presented at the 2013 Fall AGU Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 9-13, 2013.
Larsen, Krista, KB Kirk, CA Manduca, TS Ledley, L Schmitt, "The SERC K12 Educators Portal to Teaching Activities and Pedagogic Approaches", presented at the 2013 Fall AGU Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 9-13, 2013.
Mote, A., J Lockwood, K Ellins, N Haddad, TS Ledley, "Integrating Real-time, Real-world Geoscience Experiences into Classroom Instruction", presented at the 2013 Fall AGU Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 9-13, 2013.
Haddad, N, TS Ledley, KK Ellins, E Bardar, C Dunlap, E Youngman, "Using Next Generation Science Standards to Strengthen Existing Climate Curriculum Modules", presented at the 2013 Fall AGU Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 9-13, 2013.
McNeal, KS, J Libarkin, TS Ledley, Anne Gold, S Lynds, N Haddad, K Ellins, SB Sullivan, C Dunlap, E Bardar, B Youngman, "Development of a Climate Concept Inventory and Assessment of High-school Students Engaged in the Earthabs Modules", presented at the 2013 Fall AGU Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 9-13, 2013.
Niepold, F, TS Ledley, AU Gold, WG Breslyn, and S Carley, " Improving the Nation's Climate Literacy Through the Next Generation Science Standards", presented at the 2013 Fall AGU Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 9-13, 2013.
Lynds, S, AU Gold, KS McNeal, J Libarkin, SB Sullivan, TS Ledley, N Haddad, K Ellins, "Investigating Climate Science Misconceptions Using a Teacher Professional Development Workshop Registration Survey", presented at the 2013 Fall AGU Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 9-13, 2013.
Sullivan, SB, TS Ledley, N Kellogg, AU Gold, S Lynds, C Manduca, "What to do Next? Supporting Climate Literacy within Next Generation Science Standards", presented at the 2013 Fall AGU Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 9-13, 2013.
Quartini, E, KK Ellins, M Cavitte, K Thirumalai, TS Ledley, N Haddad, S Lynds, "EarthLabs Meets Sister Korita Kent", presented at the 2013 Fall AGU Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 9-13, 2013.
Ledley, TS, The Climate Literacy and Energy Awareness Network, presented at the ESIP Federation Meeting, Washington DC, Jan 8, 2014.
Ledley, TS, SB Sullivan, AU Gold, M Grogan, Teaching Climate and Energy: The CLEAN collection of peer-reviewed climate and energy learning resources, presented at the 2014 NSTA Meeting, Boston, MA, April 3-6, 2014.
Ledley, TS, The CLEAN Collection: Reviewed Climate and Energy Teaching Resources to Enhance Teaching, NESTA Lunchtime Speaker, April 5, 2014.
Ledley, TS, Citizen Scientists, Climate Change and the Next Generation Science Standards, Local Solutions: Northeast Climate Change Preparedness Conference: Educators Summit, Antioch University New England, Manchester, New Hampshire, May 22, 2014.
Ellins, KK, J Lockwood, A Mote, N Haddad, TS Ledley, S Lynds, KS McNeal, J Libarkin, presented at the 2014 Geological Society of American Meeting, Vancouver, BC, Canada, Oct, 2014.
Ledley, TS, AU Gold, SB Sullivan, M Grogan, F Niepold, Climate Literacy and Energy Awareness Network (CLEAN), presented at the 2014 Geological Society of American Meeting, Vancouver, BC, Canada, Oct, 2014.
Sullivan, SB, AU Gold, S Lynds, TS Ledley, Educator Energy Literacy Practices and Needs as Drawn from the Climate Literacy and Energy Awareness Network Collection Project, presentated at the 2014 Geological Society of American Meeting, Vancouver, BC, Canada, Oct, 2014.
McCaffrey, M, M Berbeco, F Niepold, R Connolly, K Poppleton, E Cloyd, TS Ledley, "The National Climate Assessment As An Education, Communications and Outreach Treasure Trove", presented at the 2014 Fall American Geophysical Union Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 2014.
Haddad, N,TS Ledley, KK Ellins, EW Bardar, E Youngman, D Dunlap, J Lockwood, AS Mote, KS McNeal, JC Libarkin, SE Lynds, AU Gold, Preparing Teachers to Support the Development of Climate Literate Students, presented at the 2014 Fall American Geophysical Union Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 2014.
Ledley, TS, F Niepold, M McCaffrey, "Toward Collective Impact for Climate Resilience: Maximizing Climate Change Education for Preparedness, Adaptation, and Mitigation, presented at the 2014 Fall American Geophysical Union Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 2014.
Sullivan, SMB, A Gold, S Lynds, TS Ledley, Preparing This Generation to be the Next Generation: Educator Climate Literacy Practices and Needs, Desirable Attainments, and Exemplar Resources, presented at the 2014 Fall American Geophysical Union Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 2014.
Ledley, TS, F Niepold, M McCaffrey, Energizing Energy and Climate Education, Building Critical Mass, National Energy Education Summit, National Council for Science and the Environment, Crystal City, Virginia, Jan 26, 2015.
Ledley, TS, EarthLabs Climate Series, National Energy Education Summit, National Council for Science and the Environment, Crystal City, Virginia, Jan 26, 2015.
Ledley, TS, F Niepold, M McCaffrey, From Climate Literacy to Impact: CLEAN and Collective Impact, Energy and Climate Change Conference, National Council of Science and the Environment, Crystal City, Virginia, January 28, 2015.
Ledley, TS, Why Integrate Climate Science Into Your Teaching?, 16th Annual Conference on Case Study Teaching in Science, University of Buffalo, Buffalo, New York, September 18, 2015.
Ledley, TS, Earth Exploration Toolbook: Investigating the Precipitation-Streamflow Relationshop, 16th Annual Conference on Case Study Teaching in Science, University of Buffalo, Buffalo, New York, September 18, 2015.
Ledley, TS, EarthLabs: Climate and the Cryosphere, 16th Annual Conference on Case Study Teaching in Science, University of Buffalo, Buffalo, New York, September 19, 2015.
Ledley, TS, AU Gold, F Niepold, The Climate Literacy and Energy Awareness Network (CLEAN) – Enabling Collective Impact on Climate and Energy Literacy, presented at the 2015 Fall AGU Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 2015.
Niepold, F, TS Ledley, S Sullivan, B Youngman, J Lockwood, C Manning, Education for a Green and Resilient Economy: An Eduator Framework for Teaching Climate and Energy Literacy for K-12 Teachers Across the Curriculum, presented at the 2015 Fall AGU Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 2015.
McNeal, K, J Libarkin, TS Ledley, AU Gold, S Lynds, N Haddad, K Ellins, C Dunlap, E Bardar, B Youngman, Development of a Climate Concept Inventory and Assessment of High-school Students Engaged in the EarthLabs Climate Modules, presented at the 2015 Fall AGU Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 2015.
Haddad, N., TS Ledley, K Ellins, E Bardar, C Dunlap, B Youngman, J Lockwood, S Lynds, A Gold, K McNeal, J Libarkin, The EarthLabs Climate Series: Approaching Climate Literacy from Various Contexts, presented at the 2015 Fall AGU Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 2015.
Ledley, TS, AU Gold, J Lockwood, B Youngman, C Manning, M Holzer, M Grogan, F Niepold, S Sullivan, Using the CLEAN Collection to Build NGSS Aligned Earth Systems Investigation, presented at the Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Denver, CO, September 2016.
Gold, AU, TS Ledley, M Grogan, SM Sullivan, J Lockwood, E Yojngman, CLB Manning, M Holzer, F Niepold, Teaching about Climate and Energy Using NGSS-aligned resources from the CLEAN Collection and a New Earth System Investigation Framework, presented at the 2016 Fall American Geophysical Union meeting, San Francisco, December 2016.
Ledley, TS, F Niepold, J Bozuwa, A Davis, J Fraser, J Kretser, K Poppleton, L Qusba, K Ruggiero, W Spitzer, C Stylinski, A CLEAN Network Initiative – Accelerating Transition to Post Carbon and Resilient Communities Through Education and Engagement, presented at the 2016 Fall American Geophysical Union meeting, San Francisco, December 2016.
Sullivan, S., A. Gold, C.L.B. Manning, J. Taylor, K.B. Kirk, M. Bruckner, F. Niepold, S. Lynds, S.P. Fox, T.S. Ledley, NGSS with the Climate Literacy and Energy Awareness Network (CLEAN) Collection, presented at the 2017 Geological Society of America Meeting, Seattle, WA, October 2017.
Ledley, TS, The Challenges of Creating Climate Change Education Cross-Sector Partnerships, presented at the 2017 Fall American Geophysical Union Meeting, New Orleans, December 2017.
Gold, AU, SB Sullivan, C Manning, TS Ledley, B Youngman, J Taylor, F Niepold, K Kirk, J Lockwood, M Bruckner, S Fox, Using the CLEAN Educational Resource Collection for Building Three-Dimensional Lessons to Teach the Climate System, presented at the 2017 Fall American Geophysical Union Meeting, New Orleans, December 2017.
Ledley, TS, STEM Education for Today's and Tomorrow's Workforce, AGU Ignite Session, New Orleans, December 7, 2017, https://youtu.be/FMuEFz5W600
Ledley, TS, AU Gold, F Niepold, J Taylor, K Kirk, M Bruckner, S Fox, Using the CLEAN Collection to Build Three-Dimensional Lessons to Teach the Climate System, presented at Goldschmidt 2018, Boston, MA, August 14, 2018, https://goldschmidt.info/2018/abstracts/abstractView?id=2018002302
Boyd, K., AU Gold, J Taylor, S Lynds, F Niepold, A Morton, M Bruckner, S Fox, K Kirk, and TS Ledley, The Climate Literacy and Energy Awareness Network (CLEAN), presented at the 2018 Fall American Geophysical Union Meeting, Washington DC, December, 2018, https://agu.confex.com/agu/fm18/meetingapp.cgi/Paper/413143 .
Boyd, K, A. Gold, F. Niepold, J. Taylor, S Lynds, S. Fox, M Bruckner, K Kirk, C Manning, A Morton, T Ledley, Climate Literacy and Energy Awareness Network (CLEAN), to be presented at the Earth Educators Rendezvous, Nashville, TN, July 15-19, 2019.
Ledley, TS, STEM Education for Tomorrow's Workforce: Enabling Teachers to Engage Students in Standards Based Investigations in the Context of Local Climate and Environmental Challenges, presented at the 2019 Fall American Geophysical Union Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 2019.
Boyd, K, A Gold, F Niepold, S Lynds, A Morton, M Bruckner, K Kirk, C Manning, P Chandler, TS Ledley, The Climate Literacy and Energy Awareness Network (CLEAN), presented at the 2019 Fall American Geophysical Union Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 2019.
Niepold, F, W Spitzer, J Kretser, K. Poppleton, G. Scowcroft, M Farooque, R. Vallentta, Y Arditi-Rocha, A.U. Gold, T.S. Ledley, E. Fano, K. Cowe, R. Anderson, and J. Brouse, Increasing Our Capacity to Address Climate Change Through Collective Impact – Developing a Model for Effective Regional Climate Literacy Networks, presented at the 2019 Fall American Geophysical Union Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 2019.
Ledley, TS, STEM Education for Tomorrow's Workforce: Enabling Teachers to Engage Students in Standards Based Investigations in the Context of Local Climate and Environmental Challenges, presented at the 2020 American Meteorological Society Meeting, Boston, MA, January 2020.
Boyd, K, A Gold, F Niepold, S Lynds, A Morton, M Bruckner, K Kirk, C Manning, P Chandler, TS Ledley, The Climate Literacy and Energy Awareness Network (CLEAN), presented at the American Meteorological Society Meeting, Boston MA, January 2020.
Ledley, TS, Working Toward an Ongoing Climate Teacher Professional Learning Community: Survey Results on How Teachers Fund Their Climate Professional Development, presented on the CLEAN Network, September 15, 2020.
Boyd, K, AU Gold, F Niepold, N Ochwat, A Christensen, A Morton, P Chandler, M Bruckner, C Manning, TS Ledley, The Climate Literacy and Energy Awareness Network (CLEAN), presented at the 2020 Fall American Geophysical Union Meeting, virtual, December 2020.
Boyd, K., A.U. Gold, F. Niepold, N Ochwat, A. Christensen, A. Morton, D. Morrison, M. Bruckner, P. Chandler, T.S. Ledley, C. Manning, K. Kirk, S. Fox, A Decade of Climate Literacy – The Climate Literacy and Energy Awareness Network (CLEAN) Turns 10. to be presented at the American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting, virtual, January 14, 2021.
Ledley, TS, J Heinze-Fry, Climate Solutions Workshop Using the En-ROADS Decision Support Model, to be presented at the Massachusetts Environmental Education Society (MEES) Conference, virtual, March 10, 2021.
Boyd, K., A.U. Gold, F. Niepold, N. Ochwat, A. Christensen, P. Chandler, M. Bruckner, S. Fox, K. Kirk, T.S. Ledley, The Climate Literacy and Energy Awareness Network (CLEAN), presented at the Fall 2021 American Geophysical Union Meeting, New Orleans, LA, December 2021.
Ledley, TS, Exploring the Complexity of Developing a Suite of Climate Change Solutions with the Energy Rapid Overview and Decision Support (En-ROADS)Systems Dynamics Model, presented at the Fall 2021 American Geophysical Union Meeting, New Orleans, LA, December 2021.
Ledley, TS, A Climate Teacher Professional Learning Community: Developing Locally Relevant Climate Investigations Aligned with Standards, presented at the Massachusetts Environmental Education Society (MEES) Annual Meeting, March 9, 2022.
Boyd, K., G. Fiorile, A.U. Gold, F. Niepold, A. Christensen, N. Ochwat, M. Bruckner, S. Fox, K. Kirk, T.S. Ledley, Climate Iteracy and Energy Awareness Network (CLEAN), submitted to be presented at the Fall 2022 American Geophysical Union Meeting, Chicago, IL, December 2022.