LuAnn Dahlman
A brief portfolio
EarthLabsA National Model Earth Science Lab Course
EarthLabs for Educators and EarthLabs for Students
I developed content on Hurricanes and Drought and served as Project Director for this recently completed NOAA Environmental Literacy Project. The project is part of a multi-pronged effort to raise Earth system science to the status of a laboratory science, on par with biology, chemistry, and physics.
Antarctica's Climate Secrets
I spent 9 weeks in Antarctica during the fall of 2006. As Co-PI of an IPY Informal Science Education project, I authored a book of hands-on activities that feature geologic evidence of past climates. The activity book plus accompanying banners and video podcasts form the foundation of outreach materials for the international ANDRILL project. The project is also producing a NOVA video titled Antarctica's Climate Warnings, scheduled to air in December of 2009.
2007-2008 Distinguished Speaker
The National Association of Geoscience Teachers invited me to be one of their distinguished speakers this year. I have presented a slide show and talk titled Adventures of an ANDRILLian at teacher professional development events, museum programs, and a variety of informal venues.
Exploring Earth Investigations and Visualizations
I served as the curriculum director and project manager for this project. A team of 20 people designed and built this extensive collection of interactive visualizations and investigations to accompany a mainstream high school Earth Science textbook. Funded by the National Science Foundation.
Eyes in the Sky: Applied Information Technologies
I am a Co-PI on this NSF ITEST professional development program. Through online and face-to-face workshops, teachers and their students learn to access imagery and use image analysis and GIS tools for community-based research projects. Online materials will soon be available as a distance learning course.
Earth Exploration Toolbook
I serve as the Project Director and activity editor for the EET. The site provides step-by-step activities that prepare educators and students to use Earth science data and software tools for teaching and learning. Funded as a National Science Digital Library collection.
AccessData Workshops
I am a Co-PI on this project that hosts annual meetings. The purpose it to facilitate work by small groups whose members represent a range of stakeholders in getting data used. Data representatives, software tool experts, scientists, curriculum developers, and practicing educators all work together toward producing data-rich educational activiies.
Getting a Global Sense
I was invited to contribute an essay about Earth-Moon-Sun relationships to an astronomy journal. The article appeared in Mercury, The Journal of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific.
Salt River Cobbles
As a hobby, I collect and admire river cobbles. I posted and described this photo as an Earth Science Picture of the Day.