Initial Publication Date: October 17, 2007
These collections are intended for use by casual users, researchers, and students and faculty needing materials for assignments or for a mock trial.
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Information from the Federal Trial
A list of who's who among the plaintiffs, defendants, attorneys, expert witnesses, and others involved in the federal trial
Trial documents including subpoenas, original complaints filed with the court, opening statements, closing arguments, Judge Skinner's charge to the jury, and trial exhibits
Excerpts of trial testimony from 5 expert witnesses in the federal trial
Newspaper articles written before, during, and after the federal trial
The Trial Cronology of events
Photographs of the plaintiffs' homes, defendants' properties, law offices and courthouse in Boston, courtroom, wells G and H, Aberjona River, U.S. Geological Survey activities, among others
Images of healthy and leukemic blood cells
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Videoclips and Images of Ohio State's Mock Trials
Videoclips of students playing roles in one of the Ohio State mock trials
Pictures of students from another Ohio State mock trial showing depositions, direct testimony, cross examination, explaining exhibits, sidebars, opening statements, closing arguments, and the verdict
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Woburn's Industrial History, Water Supply System, and Two Superfund Sites
Appendix B (GeoTrans, 1987) written by Professor Joel Tarr (Acrobat (PDF) 31.1MB Jun19 09): Chapter 1 - Industrialization of Woburn, Chapter 2 - Woburn Water Supply History, Chapter 3 - History of Pollution of the Aberjona River, Chapter 4 - Tanneries, Piggeries, Municipal Waste and Pesticides
Photographs of Woburn, its municipal wells and water distribution system, and monitoring wells
Letters, reports, and images showing the exploration, construction, and use of wells G & H
Historic photographs of tanneries and Aberjona River pollution
Historic photographs of the Merrimack Chemical Co. & IndustriPlex Superfund Site in Woburn
Aerial photographs of Woburn showing land-use changes between 1956 and 1990; includes an explanation of aerial photography and how to view aerial photos in 3-D
Maps showing surficial geology, locations of plaintiffs' homes and defendants' properties, sources of VOCs, streets and street names
Google Earth coverages showing features in Boston and Woburn
Photographic overview of remediation activities at the Wells G & H Superfund Site
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Data Sets
U.S. Geological Survey water-level data (Excel 38kB May24 07) measured in 1985-1986, used by expert witnesses in the trial
U.S. Geological Survey stream gaging data (Excel 19kB May24 07) measured between Olympia Avenue and Salem Street in 1985 and 1986, used by expert witnesses
Construction details of U.S. EPA, state, and defendants' observation wells (Microsoft Word 95kB May25 07) used to measure water levels in 1985 and 1986
Summary of site-specific permeability values (Microsoft Word 51kB May25 07) from various reports
Compilation of well logs and VOC analyses (Acrobat (PDF) 2.7MB Jul3 06) from various reports
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Videoclips of dye moving in a sand tank model for demonstrating hydrogeologic concepts
Visualizations from 1960 to 1986 of TCE movement, induced infiltration of river water to wells G & H, and concentrations of TCE + PCE in municipal water supplied to residences in Woburn
Bibliography and references of articles, reports, maps, and theses in a searchable database
Links to a variety of other websites dealing with Woburn and the federal trial
Resources Organized by Learning Module
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