Initial Publication Date: October 8, 2013

Letter from Editor in Chief David Steer

This is my last issue as editor in chief of In the Trenches. Serving the past three years as editor has been a wonderful experience. It gave me the opportunity to work with faculty from across the country as they described teaching strategies, field experiences, learning theory, and other activities meant to engage and inspire students and faculty alike. I hope you were as stimulated by these articles as I was.

It is worth noting that ITT was born from an idea bantered about over the course of several NAGT Executive Committee meetings. Like most ideas, it took the support of many to make it happen. The NAGT Executive Committee took a chance on launching an untried new member benefit. NAGT Treasurer Gene Pearson and Executive Director Cathy Manduca found a way to squeeze funds for it out of an already strained program budget when it would have been easier to simply say "Let's wait until NAGT is in a better financial position." Dexter Perkins stepped up to be associate editor, playing a critical role in reviewing and helping to revise submissions. Nancy Ashmore, our managing editor, carried the heavy load of putting it all together in a timely fashion.

Finally, and most importantly, our contributors, many of them voluntary, sometimes recruited, set aside time in their busy schedules to prepare submissions. They were willing to share their experiences and expertise with fellow geoscience educators, many times on a short timeline.

I leave knowing the publication is in good hands. I have worked with Cindy Shellito, the incoming Editor in Chief, on several projects in the past. She is a dedicated colleague who will bring a fresh perspective to In the Trenches. I am sure you, the community for which we launched this publication, will continue to enjoy — and contribute — excellent and engaging articles as the magazine moves forward under her guidance.

Thanks to all of my colleagues who helped make this publication a reality. I look forward to receiving my next issue of In the Trenches.