Bedload Transport

Bedload Transport
Selected scenes from "Bedlaod Transport of Binary Mixtures of Coarse Sand and Fine Gravel" . Shows, in slow motion, bedload transport under flowing water. Water depth is ~18 cm, and bed shear stresses are ~25% above critical stress needed to initiate motion. First scene shows a slow motion view (slowed by 10x) of sand (95%) and gravel (5%) as seen from above.

Second scene shows a mixture of sand (80%) and gravel (20%) as seen from the side. The speed is slowed by 5 x. Note the careful use of lighting to highlight the action. Starting at about 58 seconds in a bedload sheet begins to prograde into view.

Third scene is the same mixture but closer and slowed down by 5 x.

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Uploaded: Jan20 12
Last Modified: 2018-04-24 11:11:48

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Ron Shreve (UCLA) and Tom Drake (North Carolina State)
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