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Stella II Examples

Initial Publication Date: December 21, 2006
Geoscience examples using Stella II.
  • Daisyworld: Stella Mac or PC
    After constructing a Stella model of Daisyworld students perform guided experiments to explore the behavior of Daisyworld to changes in model parameters and assumptions.
  • Energy Balance Climate Model: Stella Mac and PC
    Students explore a Global Energy Balance Climate Model Using Stella II. Response of surface temperature to variations in solar input, atmospheric and surface albedo, atmospheric water vapor and ...
  • Fishing Game: Stella PC and Mac
    As manager in the fish and wildlife service you are charged with making policy regarding the management of a regional fishery.
  • Salmon Smolt: Stella PC and Mac
    The Stella Smolts Migration Model focuses on the spring migration of hatchery smolts to the ocean. It may be used to test the relative merits of barging fish or drawing down the reservoirs to help ...
  • Trace Gases: Stella II Mac and PC
    This Stella model allows students to learn about chemical mass balance in the atmosphere and apply this to atmospheric chlorofluorocarbon and carbon dioxide concentrations.
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