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Initial Publication Date: December 21, 2006
Published scientific data sets provide a great opportunity for instructors who want to get their students working with data. Using available data can make it quicker and easier to get rolling.

Why Use Published Data?

Using the best scientific data available to answer real questions can help motivate students and add excitement to the learning process.
More on why to use published data

How to Use Published Data

Many data sets are typically very easy to access and can be readily incorporated into an inquiry-based interactive learning activity appropriate for introductory courses.
Learn more about how to use published data

Where to Find Published Data

There are many existing data sets and resources available that have been derived from large-scale scientific projects such as the composite total solar irradiance data at left** (click image to enlarge).
Some Suggested Links to Data

** This solar irradiance plot was generated from a composite database compiled from several different satellite measurement from 1978 to the present. Figure is from Claus Frohlich and Judith Lean NOAA Solar Site (more info)

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