Helen Brethauer-Gay

Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University

Website Contributor

Website Content Contributions

Course (1)

Beaches, Bays, and Boats: A Sociological Perspective part of Integrate:Workshops and Webinars:Putting Sustainability into Action workshop:Courses
A basic understanding of the natural phenomena precedes a discussion of the effects of humans on the natural environment. A macro and micro analysis of why historical decisions were made that have led to current ...

Conference Presentation (1)

Impact of InTeGrate Teaching Materials on Student Geoscience Interests, Literacy and Learning Outcomes at Historically Black Colleges and Universities part of Earth Educators Rendezvous:Previous Rendezvous:Rendezvous 2019:Program:Oral Sessions:Thursday A
An interdisciplinary research team from Carleton College and Florida A&M University is investigating the impact of geoscience materials on faculty teaching practices and student learning outcomes at ...

Other Contributions (2)

Helen Brethauer-Gay: Using Mapping the Environment with Sensory Perception in Introduction to Sociology at Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University part of Integrate:Teaching for Sustainability:How the Community is Using InTeGrate Materials:Instructor Stories
I used this module in an Introductory to Sociology course that contains students from all disciplines. I placed it right after our section on scientific method and made it very hands on, giving them class time for a large portion of it. They worked first independently and then in groups. The students really enjoyed the process (the data collection) and the creation of the project (the map). I did too. I always enjoy teaching more when I can get the students to enjoying the learning experience and 'hands on' works most of the time. The report section was, as writing seems to be, more challenging.

Effects of Religious or Spiritual Beliefs on Global Warming and Reactions to It part of Earth Educators Rendezvous:Previous Rendezvous:Rendezvous 2018:Program:Roundtable Discussions
Beliefs and values underpin behavioral choices. Religious or Spiritual belief systems, whether perceived as the same thing or differing concepts, are defining elements of value systems. Science and Religion can be ...