Woody Moses

Life Ocean and General Science

Highline Community College

I've been teaching Environmental Science, Introductory Biology, Marine Biology and Oceanography at Highline College [www.highline.edu] since 2003. My pedagogy can be summarized by this quote from Alice Venable Middleton "Education is thinking, and thinking is looking for yourself and seeing what's there, not what you got told was there. Then you put what you see together. Once your eyeballs start working, then you can see the land is kind." I feel it's important for everyone to have a basic, working knowledge of science and the scientific method, and so I enjoy working with non-science majors who often come to my class with a wide variety of backgrounds and interests. I also love getting my students outside to experience nature firsthand, especially when it involves getting muddy. 

Workshop Participant, Website Contributor

Website Content Contributions

Activities (2)

Climate Change Mind Map part of Curriculum for the Bioregion:Activities

On the Cutting Edge Exemplary Collection This activity is part of the On the Cutting Edge Exemplary Teaching Activities collection.
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Using Case Studies, Mind mapping, and Social Media to Explore Climate Justice and Build Science Communication Skills part of Curriculum for the Bioregion:Activities
Students engage in a mind mapping activity about climate gentrification in Miami to learn about climate justice as well as how the climate systems and human systems interact with each other. Students then identify their own climate justice issue and complete an annotated bibliography of climate justice case studies related to that issue to prepare a post for Instagram. The activity ends with a final case study about the Lummi nation, who were able to effect change through a lawsuit against coal trains.

Workshop Participant