Kurt Hollocher
Geology Department
Union College (Lincoln, NE)
Website Content Contributions
Activities (3)
Exercises to teach scientific reading comprehension and mineralogic concepts part of Mineralogy:Activities
With a set of tasks and questions as a guide, students read through an article doing the tasks and answering questions as they go. The object is to develop a comprehensive understanding of the science in the paper.
Learn more about this review process.
Iceland Lavas Lab part of Petrology:Teaching Examples
The purpose of this exercise is to link volcanic rock petrology (hand samples and thin sections) with volcanic rock analytical data to hypothesize on crystal fractionation/accumulation control on lava composition.
Major Element Control Presentation part of Petrology:Teaching Examples
The presentation is an introduction to the control of magma chemical compositions by the fractionation of crystallizing phases. It is followed by a lab exercise where students interpret volcanic rock petrology and ...