Chris Harding
Geoscience, Human-Computer-Interaction
Iowa State University
Website Content Contributions
Activities (2)
Geoprocessing (map overlay) exercise - a rabbit prediction map part of GIS and Remote Sensing:Activities2
Chris Harding, Iowa State University Summary Walks the student through the creation of a prediction map using a very simple (fictitious) spatial planning and analysis scenario. Although the actual prediction ...
Lidar conversion tool script for ArcGIS 9.3 part of GIS and Remote Sensing:Activities2
Chris Harding, Iowa State University Summary Python 2.5/2.6 script for converting .las Lidar data files inside a folder into one or more other data formats: ERDAS imagine raster file, TIN (full resolution and ...
Course (1)
GIS for Geoscientists I part of GIS and Remote Sensing:Courses
GIS for Geoscientists I is an introduction to GIS operations and analyses of vector data in a geoscience context and will prepare students for more advanced GIS courses (such as its follow-up course, GIS for ...
Other Contribution (1)
Teaching with 3D printed terrain models - how to get started part of Earth Educators Rendezvous:Previous Rendezvous:Rendezvous 2022:Program:Afternoon Mini-Workshops
This workshop will touch on the main aspects of how to integrate 3D terrain models into your teaching. I will talk about 3D printing hardware (especially of low-cost 3D printers) and the best software to use to ...