Karen Rose Cercone
Indiana University of Pennsylvania-Main Campus
Website Content Contributions
Activity (1)
Virtual Soil Classification part of Integrate:Workshops and Webinars:Teaching About Earth Online Workshop:Activities
After watching a video, students classify soils using a ternary soil diagram and run online computer models to see how the proportion of sand, silt and clay affect drainage. Students then use the ternary soil ...
Essays (2)
Karen Rose Cercone, Indiana University of Pennsylvania-Main Campus part of Integrate:Workshops and Webinars:Teaching About Earth Online Workshop:Essays
From your experience, what practices make for excellent online Earth Science learning? Designing activities that start with students' natural curiosity about the environment around them and which then lead ...
Student Outcomes Assessment at IUP part of Building Strong Departments:Workshops:Assessing Geoscience Programs:Participant Essays
Karen Rose Cercone, Geoscience Department, Indiana University of Pennsylvania Outcomes assessment has been an aspect of the IUP Geoscience Department's self reviews since the 1980's, but until 2005, it ...