Donald Rodbell
Union College (Lincoln, NE)
Website Content Contributions
Activities (2)
Mapping a local Dune Field, and estimating paleowind speed and direction part of Geomorphology:Activities
We visit the Pinebush dune field in eastern New York State (20 minutes from campus). Students map one large parabolic dune, and collect sample of dune sand. In the lab, students map the dune field from aerial ...
Stream Terraces part of Geomorphology:Activities
Field work is surveying terraces along the Mohawk River and two of its tributary streams in eastern NY State. Lab write up requires students to present data graphically and to propose an hypothesis that explains ...
Course (1)
Geomorphology part of Course Design:Goals Database
An introductory course on surface processes and landforms, with an emphasis on landforms and processes the are or have been dominant in the vicinity of Union College (eastern NY state)
Other Contribution (1)
Löess, Soil Development, and Glaciation of the Mississippi Valley part of Vignettes:Vignette Collection
Donald T. Rodbell Union College Location Continent: North America Country: United States of America State/Province: Tennessee City/Town: various UTM coordinates and datum: none Setting Climate Setting: Humid ...