Poster Project for an Introductory Physical Geology Course part of Introductory Courses:Activities
This page details a term project that replaced the comprehensive final exam in an introductory physical geology course. For the project, each student prepares a poster showing analysis of geological data using a ...
Exploring Spreadsheets with Microsoft Excel part of Introductory Courses:Activities
This activity takes place in a laboratory setting and requires ~1.5-2 hours to complete. Students work with a large set of earthquake data, examine types of charts available in Excel, and use a spreadsheet to ...
Feldspar Minerals and Triangle Diagrams part of Introductory Courses:Activities
This activity takes place in a laboratory setting and requires ~1.5-2 hours to complete. Students learn how to read a triangle or ternary diagram. They determine physical properties of feldspars and interpret two ...
Working with State, National, and Global Petroleum Data part of Introductory Courses:Activities
This activity takes place in a laboratory setting and requires ~1.5-2 hours to complete. Students work with data on oil production in Illinois, the United States, and the world, creating graphs to interpret data on ...
Working with Climate Change Data part of Introductory Courses:Activities
This activity takes place in a laboratory setting and requires ~1.5-2 hours to complete. Students use spreadsheets to create graphs data related to climate change: sunspots, insolation, carbon dioxide, and global ...
Seafloor Spreading: Bathymetry, Anomalies, and Sediments part of Introductory Courses:Activities
This activity takes place in a laboratory setting and requires ~1.5-2 hours to complete. Students study the bathymetry of the South Atlantic, use magnetic reversals to interpret marine magnetic anomalies, and ...
Igneous Rocks and Triangle Diagrams part of Introductory Courses:Activities
This activity takes place in a laboratory setting and requires ~1.5-2 hours to complete. Students observe igneous rock compositions and plot them on triangle diagrams, normalize rock compositions using a ...
Mt. St. Helens Topographic Profiles part of Geodesy:Activities
This activity takes place in a laboratory setting and requires ~1-1.5 hours to complete. Students study topographic maps of Mt. St. Helens before and after the eruption of May 18, 1980, and draw two topographic ...
Mt. St. Helens Volcanic Ashfall Eruption part of Teach the Earth:Teaching Activities
This activity takes place outside of the classroom and requires ~1 hour to complete. Students recreate the map of the Mt. St. Helens ash plume of 1980 and use their maps to answer a series of questions about this ...
The Pleistocene Ice Age part of Introductory Courses:Activities
This activity takes place in a laboratory setting and requires ~1.5-2 hours to complete. Students work with data about glacial materials, Milankovitch cycles, and stable isotopes from ice cores and deep-sea ...
Topographic Maps from the US Geological Survey part of Introductory Courses:Activities
This activity takes place in a laboratory setting and requires ~1.5-2 hours to complete. Students learn how to interpret a topographic map. They read contour lines, construct a topographic profile, and calculate ...
Earthquake Seismograms and Spreadsheets part of Introductory Courses:Activities
This activity takes place in a laboratory setting and requires ~1.5-2 hours to complete. Students read and interpret seismograms, determine the epicenter of an earthquake by triangulation, and learn how to enter ...
Relative and Absolute Geologic Time with Maps and Spreadsheets part of Introductory Courses:Activities
This activity takes place in a laboratory setting and takes ~1.5-2 hours to complete. Students apply stratigraphic principles for relative dating and basic equations of isotopic systems for absolute dating and ...
Volcanoes at Subduction Zones part of Introductory Courses:Activities
This activity takes place in a laboratory setting and requires ~0.5 hour to complete. Students study the volcanic segmentation and earthquake distribution of the Andes continental volcanic arc. Then, they compare ...
Plate Tectonics with Maps and Spreadsheets part of Introductory Courses:Activities
This activity takes place in a laboratory setting and requires ~1.5-2 hours to complete. Students learn about plate tectonic boundaries, earthquakes in a subducting slab, and volcanic hotspot tracks.
Groundwater in Tampa FL on the Sulphur Springs Quadrangle part of Hydrogeology:Activities
This activity takes place in a laboratory setting and requires ~1.5-2 hours to complete. Students learn that the karst landscape around Tampa FL formed as a result of the soluble limestone bedrock. Students map ...
Boneyard Creek and other Extra Credit Exercises part of Introductory Courses:Activities
Each of these activities takes place outside of class and requires ~0.5 hour to complete. Students review and expand on lecture topics, complete online exercises, discover campus geology, and work with computer ...