Ntungwa Maasha


College of Coastal Georgia

Workshop Participant, Webinar Participant, Website Contributor

Website Content Contributions

Activity (1)

Learning how to constuct a graph of a decaying isotope and using it in radiometric dating part of Integrate:Workshops and Webinars:Teaching the Methods of Geoscience:Activities
Students learn how to construct and use the natural decay curve for use it in a laboratory exercise on the use of radioactivity in absolute dating.

Course (1)

Physical Geology part of Integrate:Workshops and Webinars:Teaching the Methods of Geoscience:Course
Physical Geology is a University of Georgia System course that "covers Earth materials and processes". It may be offered as a one credit course (GEOL1121L ) requiring two hours of lab weekly, a three ...

Essay (1)

Geoscience by example part of Integrate:Workshops and Webinars:Teaching the Methods of Geoscience:Essays
Geoscience by exampleNtungwa Maasha, Natural Science, College of Coastal Georgia In June 2011 I was invited to the geology department of the Faulkner School of Engineering in the College of Science, University of ...