Single-crystal X-ray Diffraction part of Nanotechnology in STEM:Methods
Single-crystal X-ray Diffraction is a non-destructive analytical technique which provides detailed information about the internal lattice of crystalline substances, including unit cell dimensions, bond-lengths, ...
Phase problem part of Nanotechnology in STEM:Methods
Christine M. Clark, Eastern Michigan University When X-rays are "shot" at a sample, the resultant waves (with characteristic wavelenghth, amplitude, and phase) are due to the interaction between the ...
Single Crystal Structure Refinement (SREF) part of Integrating Research and Education:Geochemical Instrumentation and Analysis
Christine M. Clark, Eastern Michigan University The electron density map generated by solution of the phase problem can be seen as a basic structure map. However, the assignment of atoms to different intensity ...
Phase problem part of Integrating Research and Education:Geochemical Instrumentation and Analysis
Christine M. Clark, Eastern Michigan University When X-rays are "shot" at a sample, the resultant waves (with characteristic wavelenghth, amplitude, and phase) are due to the interaction between the ...