Jason Williams

Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

Workshop Participant, Website Contributor

Website Content Contributions

Other Contributions (2)

The major and the first research-centered biology course for "Biology in Practice" part of STEM Futures:Product Elements
We envision a progression for implementation of the core concepts and courses described, adapted to the circumstances / resources and current curriculum of a given institution. We advocate for adoption of the freshman research lab (Bio 101) as a first step, with subsequent development of the upper level program that builds on the freshman experience, scaffolding from one year to the next. Organization of upper level research experiences can be through the laboratories of existing courses, adapted to include research, or through development of multi-year project courses with vertical integration that allows senior students to mentor sophomores/juniors.

Biology in Practice: Moving Towards a Research-based Major part of STEM Futures:Products
This program centers on teaching biology through research experiences and practical examples of current issues. We propose alternative implementations, suggestions and insights for achieving a research-centered biology major at institutions of higher learning outside the context of a Research I university.

Workshop Participant