Melissa Paciulli

Holyoke Community College

Workshop Participant, Website Contributor

Website Content Contributions

Other Contributions (2)

Description of the Accelerated Engineering Certificate at Holyoke Community College part of STEM Futures:Product Elements
Describes approach of a team of faculty at Holyoke Community College to assist STEM students with accelerated learning in the Community College setting, which will position first year students for internships and research opportunities faster, to increase persistence and completion of a certificate. This program is focused on the recruitment of historically marginalized students and supports our Colleges Strategic Plan, to support the needs of our Hispanic student Community. Holyoke Community College is currently a HSI withroughly 26% Hispanic students.

Accelerated Engineering Certificate at Holyoke Community College part of STEM Futures:Products
The Holyoke Community College (HCC) Team developed a unique approach to assist STEM students with accelerated learning in the Community College setting, which will position first year students for internships and research opportunities faster, to increase persistence and completion of a certificate. This program is focused on the recruitment of historically marginalized students and supports our Colleges Strategic Plan, to support the needs of our Hispanic student Community. Holyoke Community College is currently a HSI withroughly 26% Hispanic students. By supporting our student's development of technical skills, coupled with essential skills, students will be able to work in industry at an earlier point in their academic journey. We will be using high-impact practices, coupled with accelerated learning, in a supported community to fast track our students.

Workshop Participant

STEM Futures