Kate McKnelly
Emory University
Website Content Contributions
Other Contributions (2)
Learning Assistant (LA) Leadership Development Program Description part of STEM Futures:Product Elements
The LA Leadership Development Program (LDP) will be a required program for STEM undergraduate students who are in an LA, undergraduate TA, or TA mentor role in select chemistry and biology courses. The program will train undergraduates in leadership skills and foster their development as undergraduate leaders throughout a semester (or year). The leadership skills will be focused through the lens of developing a leadership persona that considers foundational, humanistic, and meta knowledge.
Learning Assistant (LA) Leadership Development Program part of STEM Futures:Products
The LA Leadership Development Program at Emory University is designed to develop students' interdisciplinary STEM thinking, identities as leaders, and leadership practices rooted in Emory's student leadership philosophy. Students who are selected as undergraduate laboratory teaching assistants, LAs, and peer mentors in select chemistry and biology courses are required to participate in this semester-long program. Students participate in a pre-workshop facilitated by chemistry and biology faculty and the Office of Student Involvement, Leadership, and Transitions, and students will complete weekly exercises that focus on leadership development. The program will culminate with a capstone presentation where students will demonstrate their leadership development.