Thomas Kovacs
Eastern Michigan University
Website Content Contributions
Conference Presentation (1)
Experiencing the Scientific Method in a General Education Weather Course part of Earth Educators Rendezvous:Previous Rendezvous:Rendezvous 2016:Program:Poster Sessions:Tuesday
The main learning objective of the Eastern Michigan University (EMU) course, Introduction to Weather and Forecasting, is to obtain a working knowledge of the development of a weather forecast. Developing a weather ...
Workshop Participant
Introducing Active Learning Strategies to Large Intro Courses
July 2016 Rendezvous 2016 mini-workshop: Flipping your Classroom: What to leave out, what to add in
Atmospheric Science - Rendezvous16
July 2016 Rendezvous 2016 mini-workshop: Flipping your Classroom: What to leave out, what to add in
Atmospheric Science - Rendezvous16