Eddy Chi
University of Southern California
Website Content Contributions
Activities (3)
Supply and Demand: Single and Multiple Changes in the Market for Homes part of Starting Point: Teaching and Learning Economics:Teaching Methods:Team-Based Learning:Activities
The activity leads teams of students through successive simultaneous report application exercises on the market for homes. Students will apply supply and demand concepts, including multiple shifts, and use ...
Graphing shifts in short-run aggregate supply and aggregate demand with stacked transparencies and a document camera part of Starting Point: Teaching and Learning Economics:Teaching Methods:Team-Based Learning:Activities
Teams interpret changes in the macroeconomy. Teams then graph shifts in short-run aggregate supply and aggregate demand on transparencies that are stacked and projected simultaneously using a document camera.
The Great Recessionary Gap and the 2009 Stimulus part of Starting Point: Teaching and Learning Economics:Teaching Methods:Team-Based Learning:Activities
Teams use a Keynesian model of GDP change in the short-run in understanding potential reasons behind the 2009 stimulus's effect on the recessionary gap.
Other Contribution (1)
W. Edward Chi part of Starting Point: Teaching and Learning Economics:About this Project:Project Participants
Ph.D. Candidate Pullias Center for Higher Education University of Southern California 3470 Trousdale Parkway Waite Phillips Hall, WPH Room 701 Los Angeles, CA 90089-4037 www.wedwardchi.com Background Information ...