Amy Greene
Albright College
Website Content Contributions
Activity (1)
Biochemistry II lab: Crithidia parasite metabolism part of CUREnet:CURE Collection
Course Undergraduate Research Experiences (CUREs) have been shown to increase student engagement, skills, and retention in STEM. We developed a CURE using non-pathogenic Crithidia fasciculata parasites, which are insect trypanosomes related to the causative agents of Leishmaniasis, African Trypanosomiasis, and Chagas' diseases. This parasite is ideal for undergraduate CUREs because it grows to high density in serum-free inexpensive media, and has not been well studied in the literature, providing opportunities for novel discoveries. Metabolically labelled 1-13C-glucose was added to the parasites, and changes in peak position was monitored over time (either in real time, or in the supernatant). The main fermentation products observed were ethanol and succinate. Student groups then designed a novel project investigating metabolism in Crithidia. Students produced novel data on metabolism in a little-studied parasite.
See the activity page for details.