Initial Publication Date: January 7, 2021

Short Course: Collaboration for Change

Collaboration for Change: Engaging stakeholders and working together on common goals

Click to watch the Short Course. Presenter: Stephanie Chasteen (Chasteen Educational Consulting)

Education reform requires many partners from across the educational system to work together towards common goals. Change doesn't readily occur (or stick) when led by lone champions without broader support. Collaboration and engagement across multiple stakeholders have thus been the topic of multiple ASCN webinars.

ASCN "Short Courses" are collection of resources available from ASCN on a specific topic, followed by an informal discussion. This short course includes webinars and other resources to help those leading change within departments and institutions think about frameworks for change (Lucas Hill, "Collaborative dynamics" webinar) and collective impact (Marilyn Amey, Sarah Rodriguez and Lucas Hill "Developing and sustaining partnerships" webinar), engagement of people across an institution (Susan Elrod and Judith Ramaley, "Develop a shared leadership for change" webinar) or within a department (Kimberly Tanner "Collectively improving our teaching" webinar). Also of interest is the informal discussion about building buy-in to change and the resources for change leaders.

You may engage in these resources however you wish (e.g. watching recordings, reading slides or resources).

Short Course discussion notes & resources
Short Course Presentation Slides (Acrobat (PDF) 21.8MB Mar5 21)

Short Course Webinars

Group work photo circle Collaborative Dynamics in Collective STEM Reform Initiatives

Presenter: Lucas B. Hill (University of Wisconsin-Madison)

Handshake Circle Developing and Sustaining Effective Partnerships to Advance Change in STEM Higher Education

Presenters: Marilyn Amey, Michigan State University; Sarah Rodriguez, Iowa State University; and Lucas Hill, University of Wisconsin - Madison

leadership opps circle Using an Evidence-Based Approach to Develop a Culture of Shared Leadership for Change

Presenters: Susan Elrod (University of Wisconsin - Whitewater), Judith Ramalay (Portland State University)

tanner department photo circle Collectively Improving Our Teaching: A department-wide professional development program resulting in widespread change

Presenter: Kimberly Tanner (San Francisco State University)

Additional Resources

Also of interest is the informal discussion about building buy-in to change and the resources for change leaders. Most of these resources are aimed at those leading change initiatives within institutions or at a national level.