ConcepTest Examples
How Much Work is Required: Intuition vs. Mathematical Calculation This classroom activity presents Calculus II students with some Flash tutorials involving work and pumping liquids and a simple question concerning the amount of work involved in pumping water out of ...
U.S. Population Growth: What Does the Future Hold? College Algebra or Liberal Arts math students are presented with a ConcepTest, a Question of the Day and a write-pair-share activity involving U.S. population growth. The results are quite revealing ...
Effect of Coefficient of x2 on Parabola Vertex (a < 0) This classroom activity presents College Algebra students with a ConcepTest, a Question of the Day, and a Write-pair-share activity concerning the effect of the coefficient of x2 on the vertex of a parabola where a<0, b>0 and b and c are arbitrarily fixed values in f(x)=ax2+bx+c...
Effect of Coefficient of x on Parabola Vertex (b > 0) This activity presents College Algebra students with a ConcepTest, a Question of the Day, and a Write-pair-share activity concerning the effect of the coefficient of x on the vertex of a parabola where a>0, b>0 and a and c are arbitrarily fixed values in f(x)=ax2+bx+c...
Effect of Coefficient of x2 on Parabola Vertex (a > 0) College Algebra students are presented with a ConcepTest, a Question of the Day, and a Write-pair-share activity concerning the effect of the coefficient of x2 on the vertex of a parabola where a>0, b>0 and b and c are arbitrarily fixed values in f(x)=ax2+bx+c...
Effect of Coefficient of x on Parabola Vertex (b < 0) This classroom activity presents College Algebra students with a ConcepTest, a Question of the Day, and a Write-pair-share activity concerning the effect of the coefficient of x on the vertex of a parabola where a>0, b<0 and a and c are arbitrarily fixed values in f(x)=ax^2+bx+c...
Effect of Coefficient of x2 on Parabola Shape This activity provides College Algebra students a ConcepTest, a Question of the Day, and a Write-pair-share activity concerning the effect of the coefficient of x2 on the shape of a parabola where b and c are arbitrarily fixed values in f(x)=ax2+bx+c...
Effect of Coefficient of x0 on Parabola Vertex This classroom activity presents College Algebra students with a ConcepTest, a Question of the Day, and a Write-pair-share activity concerning the effect of the coefficient of x0 (i.e., the constant, c) on the vertex of a parabola where a and b are arbitrarily fixed values in f(x)=ax2+bx+c...
Effect of Initial Value on Graph of Exponential Function (C > 0) College Algebra students are given a ConcepTest and a Question of the Day activity concerning the effect of the initial value, C, on the y-intercept and position of an exponential graph where C>0 and k is an arbitrarily fixed value in f(x)=Ce(kx)...
Effect of Initial Value on Graph of Exponential Function (C < 0) This classroom activity presents College Algebra students with a ConcepTest and a Question of the Day activity concerning the effect of the initial value, C, on the y-intercept and position of an exponential graph where C<0 and k is an arbitrarily fixed value in f(x)=Ce(kx)...
Effect of Proportionality Constant on Exponential Graph (k > 0) This activity presents College Algebra students with a ConcepTest and a Question of the Day activity concerning the effect of the proportionality constant, k, on the y-intercept and position of an exponential graph where k>0 and C is an arbitrarily fixed value in f(x)=Ce(kx)...
Effect of Proportionality Constant on Exponential Graph (k < 0) This classroom activity provides College Algebra students with a ConcepTest and a Question of the Day activity concerning the effect of the proportionality constant, k, on the y-intercept and position of an exponential graph where k<0 and C is an arbitrarily fixed value in f(x)=Ce(kx)...