Ice Cores: Time Capsules

In this two-minute sound segment, a geologist explains what he can learn from the study of ice cores. He describes how the air around the snow crystals is trapped as it recrystallizes into the ice of the glacier. He also indicates what this trapped air can tell us about the environment of the past. This site is from an archive of a daily radio program called Pulse of the Planet, which provides its listeners with a portrait of Planet Earth, tracking the rhythms of nature, culture and science worldwide and blending interviews and extraordinary natural sound. The site also provides a written transcript of the broadcast.

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Subject: Geoscience:Hydrology, Atmospheric Science:Climatology
Grade Level: High School (9-12), General Public, College Lower (13-14)
Theme: Teach the Earth:Incorporating Societal Issues:Climate Change, Teach the Earth:Course Topics:Hydrology/Hydrogeology, Atmospheric Science, Teach the Earth:Teaching Topics:Water