Bringing Water To Los Angeles

UCLA Science Project: Urban Safari

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This case study addresses the issue of freshwater resources in regions around Mono Lake and Owens Valley being diverted from natural communities and human settlements to meet the needs of a growing population in Los Angeles. Students are given a history of the issue, topics to debate, map and satellite images, and lesson plans. Activities include: mapping water distribution; demonstrating osmosis; and testing for levels of phosphate, chloride, sulfate, carbonate, and pH in environmental waters.

This resource is referenced here:
Subject: Biology:Ecology:Symbiotic Relations:Mutualism, Biology:Microbiology, Ecology:Metabolism
Resource Type: Audio/Visual:Maps, Activities:Classroom Activity, Audio/Visual:Images/Illustrations
Grade Level: College Lower (13-14), High School (9-12)
Extreme Environments: Alkaline, Altered by Humans, Hypersaline