Rebecca Sansom
Brigham Young University
Rebecca Sansom is an Assistant Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry at Brigham Young University. She teaches general chemistry, general chemistry laboratory, and methods courses for pre-service chemistry teachers. Her research areas include chemistry education research for improving learning and student success in general chemistry, university STEM faculty professional development with the use of evidence-based instructional practices, and professional development for high school science teachers using three-dimensional science instruction (NGSS and similar).
Sansom is the co-PI of the NSF-funded STEM Faculty Institute at Brigham Young University, which hosts workshops for faculty to learn about evidence-based instructional practices and provides follow-up support through mentoring and cohort meetings. She applies theories of change that originated in public health to STEM faculty change, including Ajzen's Theory of Planned Behavior.
As a member of ASCN's working group 1, which focuses on theories of change, Sansom has developed resources that describe theories of change that she has employed in her work.
Website Content Contributions
Other Contributions (3)
Ecological Models of Behavior Change part of Accelerating Systemic Change Network:Change Theories:Change Theories Collection
Ecological models have been widely used in public health. Ecological models focus on changing personal behaviors while accounting for the influences of social, physical, and political environments. The underlying principle is that if we can change the person's environment, we can change their behavior. Therefore, there is an emphasis on policy and structural changes to produce new behavior while maintaining an individual's agency.
An Ecological Model for STEM Faculty Change part of Accelerating Systemic Change Network:Events:Meetings and Conferences:Transforming Institutions Conference 2021:Program:Poster Presentations:Poster Session A:Poster Session A-1
We have carried out a faculty change initiative to support incorporation of student-centered teaching strategies in STEM courses at our university. In semi-structured interviews, we asked participants to explain ...
Theory of Planned Behavior part of Accelerating Systemic Change Network:Change Theories:Change Theories Collection
The theory of planned behavior explains individual behavior as resulting from intentions, which in turn are influenced by attitudes, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control.