Jessica Kaufman
Endicott College
I have been teaching for thirteen years and I am currently a Professor of Biotechnology and Bioengineering at Endicott College. I teach a wide variety of courses for Biology, Bioengineering, and Engineering majors including "Genes and Genomes Lab", "Bioinformatics", and "Engineering Physiology". I am interested in developing research-based projects for this classes to promote independent planning in lab and engage students to use advanced programming tools for biological data analysis.
Website Content Contributions
Activity (1)
Resequencing of Commercial Microorganisms part of CUREnet:Institutes:Community College of Rhode island:Examples
Students choose a probiotic pill or product with labeling that indicates the species and strain of bacteria in the product. Products are chosen so that a high quality reference genome sequence is available on NCBI. After DNA isolation and library preparation, high-quality student samples are pooled for next-gen sequencing on an Illumina MiSeq. The following semester, students in the required bioinformatics course will analyze the FASTQ files from the NGS run with a simple variant call workflow on Then, each student will use a R Shiny app developed for this CURE to convert the VCF output from Galaxy to a FASTA file for an assigned gene in the resequenced genome. Students will complete their research experience by submitting the FASTA file to the NCBI Nucleotide Database.
See the activity page for details.