Comparative advantage among individuals part of Starting Point: Teaching and Learning Economics:Teaching Methods:Team-Based Learning:Activities
Students put themselves in the position of an individual with opportunity costs for producing two goods. They are given a starting point and then answer questions concerning opportunity cost, comparative advantage, ...
Firm Costs and Production: Are we in the same boat? part of Starting Point: Teaching and Learning Economics:Teaching Methods:Team-Based Learning:Activities
Students will be given a prompt and have to choose a specific answer from among several choices. They will then report simultaneously with other teams and defend their decision with relevant theory. The skeleton of ...
The source of human specialization: learned or natural? Plato vs. Smith part of Starting Point: Teaching and Learning Economics:Teaching Methods:Team-Based Learning:Activities
Students will read brief passages from Plato and Adam Smith on the division of labor. They will discuss the meaning of these passages, with respect to enduring questions, such as: are differences in talents natural ...
Short run aggregate supply and expectations: a parable approach part of Starting Point: Teaching and Learning Economics:Teaching Methods:Team-Based Learning:Activities
Student teams will invent their own parables that help them understand and remember how changes in aggregate demand can result in short run changes in real GDP growth and inflation, based on the idea of nominal ...
Driverless New World: How the Market Adjusts to Equilibrium part of Starting Point: Teaching and Learning Economics:Teaching Methods:Team-Based Learning:Activities
Students are to imagine themselves as consultants to the trucking or other transportation industry and discuss the effect of new technology (driverless vehicles). Key is the adjustment to a new equilibrium, more ...
Natural disasters, price gouging laws, and essential goods. part of Starting Point: Teaching and Learning Economics:Teaching Methods:Team-Based Learning:Activities
Students will address the scenario in the accompanying file. They have to decide how they would react during a hypothetical disaster with respect to a price gouging law.