Jeremy Wojdak

Radford University

Website Contributor

Website Content Contributions

Other Contributions (2)

QUBES: An education gateway for professional development, OER sharing, and project support part of Accelerating Systemic Change Network:Events:Meetings and Conferences:Transforming Institutions Conference 2019:Program:Poster Presentations
The Quantitative Undergraduate Biology Education & Synthesis (QUBES; project has adopted a "scientific gateways" model to accelerate undergraduate biology education reform. As such, ...

Sustaining Institutional Change for Inclusive Excellence part of Accelerating Systemic Change Network:Events:Meetings and Conferences:Transforming Institutions Conference 2019:Program:Thematic Symposia
Inclusive Excellence as a concept unifies our best aspirations for equitable student success in higher education, evidence-based pedagogical reform, and the value of a diverse and diversely educated populace. ...