Marna Hauk
Faculty, Institute for Earth Regenerative Studies and Postdoctoral Scholar, Prescott College
Dr. Hauk teaches climate change education, climate justice, sustainability education, regenerative design, ecofeminism, and advanced research methods for graduate and doctoral students at Prescott College as a Post Doctoral Scholar in Sustainability Education. She also directs the programs of the Institute for Earth Regenerative Studies in Portland, Oregon, developing programs at the intersection of regenerative design, creativity, and the living wisdom traditions. Dr. Hauk is a Community Climate Change Fellow of the North American Association for Environmental Education, and edited the collection Community Climate Change Education: A Mosaic of Approaches (2017). Dr. Hauk has over one hundred refereed presentations and publications and pursues an active research program. She serves on the board of the Journal of Sustainability Education and was an active participant in the Curriculum of the Bioregion's Contemplative Climate Change Education faculty learning community.
Website Content Contributions
Course (1)
Climate Justice and Climate Consequences: Education and Action for Social Justice and Regeneration part of Curriculum for the Bioregion:Courses
This graduate climate justice course brings clarity to the structural dimensions of climate change. It is designed around the belief that community-based action and contemplative processes to redress structural ...