Randall Curren
University of Rochester
Website Content Contributions
Conference Presentations (3)
Using Case Studies to Investigate the Socioeconomic and Ethical Dimensions of Sustainability part of Earth Educators Rendezvous:Previous Rendezvous:Rendezvous 2020:Program:Poster Sessions:Posters
Challenges to sustainability arise from the interplay between interacting planetary and human systems and are inevitably embedded in social contexts. Addressing the complex, solution-resistant problems of ...
Sustainability Ethics in the Geoscience Classroom: A Cross-Disciplinary Approach part of Earth Educators Rendezvous:Previous Rendezvous:Rendezvous 2017:Program:Poster Sessions:Wednesday
Because challenges to sustainability arise at the intersection of intertwined and evolving biophysical and sociopolitical systems, addressing complex and solution-resistant ("wicked") problems such as ...
An Education in Sustainability: Perspectives from a Geologist-Philosopher Collaboration part of Rendezvous 2015:Program:Abstracts
Earth system science, with its integrative investigations of our planet's complexly interacting components, must play a pivotal role in addressing pervasive and accelerating challenges to sustainability. The ...