Ralph Willoughby
Geological Sciences
University of South Carolina-Columbia
Website Content Contributions
Activities (2)
Fossil Identification and Classification Lab part of Paleontology:Activities
In four lab sessions, students pick fossils from Pleistocene bulk sediment, identify taxa, compile a faunal list, and interpret environments. Strength of the exercise is hands-on experience with fossils, directly ...
Eocene Exposure Field Trip part of Paleontology:Activities
This field trip visits an exposure near Aiken, South Carolina in Eocene, unconsolidated, clayey quartz sand with abundant trace fossils Ophiomorpha ichnosp. and Ophiomorpha nodosa. Early in the course, this trip ...
Course (1)
Paleontology, AGLY 311 part of Paleontology:Courses
Paleontology, AGLY 311, surveys all aspects of life on Earth. We will discuss fossils of single-celled organisms, invertebrate and vertebrate animals, microscopic organisms, simple plants, and advanced plants, as ...