Module 5: Soils and Nutrients part of Future of Food
The purpose of this module is to give you as a learner a basic grounding in the nature of soils and soil nutrients. Module 5.1 provides the foundation for understanding soils, soil nutrients, and their connection ...
Module 1: Introduction part of Future of Food
In the two introductory modules (1.1 and 1.2) of the course we will introduce the main theme of the course: learning about food systems as systems that combine human social systems, with the natural earth system ...
Module 10: Food Systems part of Future of Food
Module 10 continues the theme of human-environment interactions seen at a smaller scale with agroecosystems in Module 8, and develops the ideas of coupled human-natural systems (CHNS) begun at the beginning of the ...
Module 11: Human-Environment Interactions part of Future of Food
Module 11 focuses on the way that human-environment interactions in food systems respond to stress. Food production systems and food systems in general face adversity and must have sources of resilience to overcome ...
Module 3: Diet and Nutrition part of Future of Food
Module 3 covers the nutritional needs to which human consumption patterns ideally respond within food systems, and some of the nutritional challenges (related to both deficit and excess of diet components) that are ...