Adriana Martinez
Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
Website Content Contributions
Essay (1)
A Relevant and Applicable Geography part of Integrate:Workshops and Webinars:Broadening Access to the Earth and Environmental Sciences:Essays
Adriana Martinez, Geography, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville Geography as a discipline combines the study of physical landscapes with examinations of culture and society, weaving together influences and ...
Other Contributions (2)
Supporting Minority Students at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville part of Integrate:Program Design:Increase Diversity:Supporting Minority Students
Founded in 1957, the Department of Geography at SIUE offers an undergraduate major and minor in Geography and a master's degree in Geographical Studies. The department offers a variety of courses in human, physical, and regional geography, as well as geospatial techniques. Our faculty conduct research on a wide variety of topics at the local, regional and global scale. Students at both the undergraduate and graduate levels have the opportunity to work closely with faculty on current, groundbreaking projects or gain experience through internships. Our students are prepared for careers in a wide range of fields. For example, recent graduates have taken positions as park rangers, urban planners, retail location analysts, resource managers, climate scientists, and geospatial analysts. Wherever you want to go, a degree in Geography from SIUE can take you there. A total of approximately 11,341 undergraduate students are currently enrolled at SIUE. Fifty three percent of these students are female, 15% African American and 4% Hispanic. Of the 115 total geography majors, approximately 5 are from minority groups.
Geography, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville part of Strong Geoscience Departments:Degree Programs:Curriculum Profiles
Information for this profile was provided by Adriana E. Martinez, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville. Information is also available on the program website. Students in this program are pursuing a bachelors ...