Steven Maier

Workshop Participant, Website Contributor

Website Content Contributions

Activities (3)

Models of the Hydrogen Atom part of comPADRE Pedagogic Library:Interactive Lectures:Examples
In this interactive lecture, models of the hydrogen atom are explored using an online Java applet. The exploration leads to qualitative and quantitative analysis of energy transitions. -

Rutherford's Model of the Atom part of comPADRE Pedagogic Library:Interactive Lectures:Examples
Students are asked think-pair-share questions to predict the interaction of alpha particles fired toward the nucleus of an atom. An online applet is used to illustrate the interaction and test students' ideas ...

Modeling emf, Potential Difference, and Internal Resistance part of comPADRE Pedagogic Library:Interactive Lectures:Examples
Through class discussion and think-pair-share questions, this activity helps students come to understand the difference between emf and potential difference in electrical circuits. These concepts are broached ...

Workshop Participant

ComPadre Workshop 2007
July 2007