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Macalester College
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Other Contributions (2)
Heterogeneous Computing part of Parallel Computing in the Computer Science Curriculum:Modules:Modules Mini-collection
Message Passing Interface (MPI) is a programming model widely used for parallel programming in a cluster. NVIDIA®'s CUDA, a parallel computing platform and programming model, uses GPU for parallel computation problems. This module will explore ways to combine these two parallel computing platforms to make parallel computation more efficient.
Distributed Computing Fundamentals part of Parallel Computing in the Computer Science Curriculum:Modules:Modules Mini-collection
Message Passing Interface (MPI) is a programming model widely used for parallel programming in a cluster. Using MPI, programmers can design methods to divide large data and perform the same computing task on segments of it and then and distribute those tasks to multiple processing units within the cluster. In this module, we will learn important and common MPI functions as well as techniques used in 'distributed memory' programming on clusters of networked computers.