Heather Price
Seattle Community College-North Campus
I'm a climate scientist specializing in atmospheric chemistry, and a chemistry professor, researcher, and climate justice activist. I earned my PhD in chemistry and conducted my postdoctoral research with the University of Washington's Program on Climate Change. My current teaching and research at North Seattle College focuses on improving undergraduate STEM education through the integration of climate justice, equity, and civic engagement across the college curriculum. I practice this in my general and allied health chemistry classes and also work with faculty across STEM, arts, and humanities in Washington State and across the nation, helping them to weave climate justice and civic engagement into their curriculum. Climate touches everything and belongs in every subject we teach. Learn more at my college climate justice project website: https://northseattle.edu/climate-justice
Website Content Contributions
Activities (2)
Carbon Dioxide Birthday part of Curriculum for the Bioregion:Activities
Climate Justice and Health Impacts of Methane (so-called Natural Gas) in General or Introductory Chemistry part of Curriculum for the Bioregion:Activities
In this activity, students explore the chemical forms of methane (CH4), learn about the various sources and uses of methane, and gain knowledge of human health impacts and the disproportionate impact of extraction pollution on poor and racialized communities. They also connect the social justice impacts of methane to methane chemistry and exercises in the classroom.