Sharon Homer-Drummond, PhD
Tri-County Technical College
I have a Ph.D. in Integrative Biology from Florida Atlantic University, and an MS in Marine Biology and Marine Affairs and Policy from the University of Miami (it's all about the U!). I have done most of my research work with dolphins and other marine mammals (and earlier with cows!) looking at reproductive endocrinology (hormones that regulate reproduction), and reproductive environmental toxicology (pollutants and toxins that interfere with successful reproduction). More broadly, I'm interested in ecological health, human impacts to ecology, and the interconnectedness of human, animal and environmental health.
I have been teaching and mentoring undergraduate biology and biology students since 2002, and am currently the Course Director and Lead Instructor for Principles of Biology I and II (the freshman course sequence for biological science majors) at Tri-County Technical College. The majority of my students are in the Bridge to Clemson program, and are registered Clemson University students.
Website Content Contributions
Essays (2)
What is Social Justice in STEMM Higher Education part of Accelerating Systemic Change Network:DEI in STEMM Blog Series
Social justice in Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics and Medicine (STEMM) higher education may be defined as ensuring that all students see themselves as fully represented and supported members of STEMM ...
Social Justice in Undergraduate STEMM Education 2040: An Optimist's Perspective part of Accelerating Systemic Change Network:DEI in STEMM Blog Series
It is the year 2040! The intersecting crises of the 2020's (the pandemic, systemic racism, and climate change) finally led faculty groups and funders to a social justice agenda for Science, Technology, ...
Other Contribution (1)
Announcing the Curated Teaching Evaluation Change Initiative Repository part of Accelerating Systemic Change Network:Posts
The Aligning Faculty Incentives with Systemic Change Working Group is excited to report we havecurated a repository of teaching evaluation change initiatives to support national efforts at the systemic change of ...