Carmen Gavin Vanegas
South High School
Carmen teaches Earth and space science, chemistry, biology, and college in the schools physics at South High School in Minneapolis. She holds a Master of Science degree in Plant Pathology from the University of Minnesota, where her research focused on the genetics of resistance to stem rust in wheat. Carmen also has a Master of Arts in Spanish from New Mexico State University. Carmen is currently pursuing a doctorate in Language, Culture, and Literacy Education through Indiana University. Her research focuses on supporting Indigenous language revitalization in the science classroom.
Website Content Contributions
Other Contribution (1)
Bringing visual groundwater teaching tools and field experiences into K-12 teaching part of Earth Educators Rendezvous:Previous Rendezvous:Rendezvous 2022:Program:Morning Workshops:Bringing visual groundwater teaching tools and field experiences into K-12 teaching
Did you know that about 99% of global unfrozen freshwater is stored in groundwater systems? Many people are aware of the need to protect the surface water in our lakes and streams, but most do not know much about ...