Rachel Renbarger
Western Michigan University
Dr. Rachel Renbarger became the Research Director in January 2021. She identifies as a former rural, low-income, and first-generation student from Oklahoma who loves traveling, reading, and eating good food. Her undergraduate degree was in Language Arts Education at the University of Oklahoma where she was also a McNair Scholar. She then became a teacher and has taught all age groups in a variety of settings. As a former teacher and university instructor, she will be joining the ASCN to help support the inclusion and dissemination of research-based educational strategies. With her PhD in Educational Psychology, her research works to address issues of access and equity in postsecondary education. This includes undergraduate as well as graduate education. As such, she is excited to collaborate with working groups to better equity in all realms and for all student groups. Follow her on Twitter: @Dr_Rachel_Ren
Website Content Contributions
Other Contributions (4)
Learning from Evaluation of Effective Teaching Event: Change Leaders Perspectives part of Accelerating Systemic Change Network:Posts
At the end of August, three ASCN working groups came together to put on an event called, "Evaluation of effective and inclusive teaching: How can teaching and learning center professionals be involved in ...
June 2021 ASCN TEC Repository Editorial Board
ASCN Member
ASCN Teaching Evaluation Collective
ASCN Working Group 5: Equity and Inclusion Supporters
Workshop Participant (5 workshops)
June 2021 Organization-focused Networks as Levers for Change: A Research-based Theoretical Framework to Conceptualize and Advance their Work
June 2021 Promotion and Tenure: Continuing to Evolve University Systems of Academic Reward and Advancement
June 2021