Laura Jackson Young
Bentley University
Laura Jackson Young graduated from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in December 2014 with a PhD in Economics. She is now an Associate Professor of Economics at Bentley University. Her research interests focus on macroeconomics, monetary and fiscal policy, business cycles, and financial economics. Laura founded and is co-advisor for WEB: Women in Economics at Bentley.
Website Content Contributions
Activity (1)
Externalities, Public Goods, and Common Resources – Navigating the market equilibrium part of BASICS:Teaching Materials:The Wicked Problem of Water Quality in the Mississippi River Watershed:Course-Specific Exercises
Consider our new understanding of what makes water quality a "wicked problem" using the example of the Mississippi River Watershed. In particular, focus on the SDGs related to clean water & sanitation ...
Conference Presentation (1)
A Curricular Approach to Facilitating Transdisciplinary Thinking about Sustainability part of Earth Educators Rendezvous:Previous Rendezvous:Rendezvous 2023:Program:Poster Sessions:Friday Poster Session
Addressing the United Nations Sustainable Development goals requires educating a citizenry who can undertake the wicked problems of sustainability from multiple disciplinary perspectives. It requires curricular ...
Other Contributions (2)
A New Model for Transdisciplinary Curriculum Development in Higher Education Using the Wicked Problems of Sustainability part of Transforming Institutions Conference 2023:Program:Presentations:Session H
A scientifically literate citizenry is essential to meet the U.N. Sustainable Development Goals and ensure that the U.S. remains economically competitive in an increasingly resource-constrained society. Yet neither ...
Using the Mississippi River Watershed Module in Principles of Microeconomics (Honors) part of BASICS:Teaching Materials:The Wicked Problem of Water Quality in the Mississippi River Watershed:Instructor Stories
Principles of Microeconomics (Honor)s is a semester-long course which focuses on microeconomics. It is designed to provide the newcomer to economics with an understanding of the economic way of thinking and a set of microeconomic tools and models which will be useful for analyzing real world economic problems.