Wesley Swingley
Northern Illinois University
Website Content Contributions
Other Contributions (2)
Mississippi River Watershed Nitrogen Pollution part of BASICS:Teaching Materials:The Wicked Problem of Water Quality in the Mississippi River Watershed:Course-Specific Exercises
I taught the BASICS module essentially wholesale from the provided material. As I targeted group sizes of 3-4 members, my students did not cover all of the stakeholders, but students were allowed to select their ...
Using the Mississippi River Watershed Module in Geomicrobiology part of BASICS:Teaching Materials:The Wicked Problem of Water Quality in the Mississippi River Watershed:Instructor Stories
Role of microorganisms in diverse environments at and below the surface of the earth. Topics include life in extreme environments, biodegradation and remediation, biogeochemical cycling, and astrobiology examined from the perspectives of geochemistry, microbial ecology, molecular biology, and ecosystem studies.