Unemployment and discouraged workers: Context Rich Problem part of Starting Point: Teaching and Learning Economics:Teaching Methods:Context-Rich Problems:Examples
Students use the Current Population Survey to calculate the official unemployment rate and two variations that include discouraged workers. Students compare the results and discuss what the varying definitions reveal about the labor market.
Choosing output quantity under perfect competition (Context Rich Problem) part of Starting Point: Teaching and Learning Economics:Teaching Methods:Context-Rich Problems:Examples
The problem presents students with information about price, average costs and marginal costs for a vegetable farm. To answer the questions, students must apply the P=MC decision rule for perfect competition.
Amy McCormick Diduch part of Starting Point: Teaching and Learning Economics:About this Project:Project Participants
Professor of Economics Mary Baldwin College Staunton, VA 24401 adiduch@mbc.edu Phone:540-887-7114 Background Information Amy received her Ph.D. in Economics from Harvard University in 1995. She began teaching at ...