Cathy Cullicott
Arizona State University at the Tempe Campus
Cathy is a 4th year PhD student in Learning, Literacies and Technologies in the Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College. Cathy is a geologist, teacher, and education researcher.
Prior to pursuing her doctorate, Cathy taught science and math for 20 years -5 years community college (AZ, WA) and 15 years secondary (AZ, CO, NM). Her research focus at ASU is science education and science teacher education. Cathy's current projects include action research on the ICAP Theory of Cognitive Engagement in an undergraduate geology class at ASU and a multi-state, multi-year NSF-funded study of student engagement in high school mathematics.
In addition to teaching, Cathy worked as a professional geologist in the environmental consulting and mining industries (CO, ID, MT, NM, NV, UT). Cathy holds a M.S. from the University of Washington and A.B. from Princeton University.
Website Content Contributions
Conference Presentation (1)
Enhancing Active Learning in a Place-Based Geoscience Course with the ICAP Theory of Cognitive Engagement part of Earth Educators Rendezvous:Previous Rendezvous:Rendezvous 2020:Program:Poster Sessions:Posters
We present a case study in which an experienced professor applied the ICAP (Interactive-Constructive-Active-Passive) theoretical framework, which models student active learning as cognitive engagement, to enhance ...
Other Contribution (1)
Applying the ICAP Theory of Cognitive Engagement to Active Geoscience Learning part of Earth Educators Rendezvous:Previous Rendezvous:Rendezvous 2020:Program:Afternoon Workshops
While research supports the use of active learning methods in teaching geoscience and other STEM courses, determining what constitutes "active learning" is a challenge to incorporating more such methods. ...