Steven Neshyba
University of Puget Sound
I have taught chemistry at the University of Puget Sound since 1994. My recent teaching interests involve the exploration of active learning techniques, flipped classrooms, and computational guided inquiry in the classroom. I also lead a research team focused on ice in the climate system.
Steven Neshyba, nesh@pugetsound.edu
Website Content Contributions
Activity (1)
Perceiving Climate Change from Local Temperature Anomalies part of Curriculum for the Bioregion:Activities
Course (1)
Science and Sustainability: A Freshman Seminar part of Curriculum for the Bioregion:Courses
Science and Sustainability is a seminar course on the scientific ideas that underlie the sustainability movement. The course is fundamental in the sense that philosophical underpinnings of science and ...
Conference Presentations (2)
Learning statistics through Ice Core Isotopes part of Earth Educators Rendezvous:Previous Rendezvous:Rendezvous 2021:Program:Oral Sessions:Oral Session I
Polar regions are particularly sensitive to climate change and play an important role in it. The richness and interdisciplinary nature of polar research suggests a potential to enhance student learning. To harness ...
Polar ENgagement through GUided INquiry (PENGUIN) part of Earth Educators Rendezvous:Previous Rendezvous:Rendezvous 2021:Program:Oral Sessions:Oral Session I
Including climate-related topics in the classroom is crucial to the education of the next generation and has the potential to enhance student interest. The polar regions play an important role in climate change and ...