Sarah Williams
The Evergreen State College
Website Content Contributions
Essays (3)
Minding Education's Business in an Evergreen Program: Reflections on Money's Value, Soul's Worth part of Curriculum for the Bioregion:Essays
Sarah Williams and Jules Unsel, The Evergreen State College Description This essay describes a year-long, interdisciplinary, and team-taught cultural studies of business program at The Evergreen State College that ...
Bateson's Left Hand: What the Right Hand Can't Say about the Sacred part of Curriculum for the Bioregion:Essays
An analysis of why contemplative and religious practices don't map well onto quantitative paradigms of assessment.
Why Sustainability Education Needs Pedagogies of Reflection and Contemplation part of Curriculum for the Bioregion:Essays
This essay sets out a rationale and framework for pedagogies of reflective and contemplative practice and makes an argument for why they are critically important to sustainability education.