Sarah Williams

The Evergreen State College

Website Contributor

Website Content Contributions

Essays (3)

Minding Education's Business in an Evergreen Program: Reflections on Money's Value, Soul's Worth part of Curriculum for the Bioregion:Essays
Sarah Williams and Jules Unsel, The Evergreen State College Description This essay describes a year-long, interdisciplinary, and team-taught cultural studies of business program at The Evergreen State College that ...

Why Sustainability Education Needs Pedagogies of Reflection and Contemplation part of Curriculum for the Bioregion:Essays
This essay sets out a rationale and framework for pedagogies of reflective and contemplative practice and makes an argument for why they are critically important to sustainability education.

Bateson's Left Hand: What the Right Hand Can't Say about the Sacred part of Curriculum for the Bioregion:Essays
An analysis of why contemplative and religious practices don't map well onto quantitative paradigms of assessment.