Sarah Clark

Georgia State University

Website Contributor

Website Content Contributions

Activity (1)

Neurogenetics Laboratory: Mapping a functional circuit for cold nociception in Drosophila part of CUREnet:Institutes:Alabama State University:Examples
Students will work in small groups to identify neural populations that may be involved in the Drosophila larval response to noxious cold. They will use the GAL4/UAS expression system to excite or inhibit neural populations and assess the impact of their manipulation on the larvae's behavioral response to cold. If a relevant neural population is identified, students will then identify (based on current literature) genes that are likely to be involved in neurite development and/or maintenance in that population. They will use mutations and/or RNA interference to disrupt the function of these genes in the population of interest and assess the effect of the disruption on neuronal morphology and larval behavior.

CUREnet Exemplary Collection This CURE has been identified as exemplary based on CUREnet's review criteria.
See the activity page for details.