Jon Sweetman
North Dakota State University-Main Campus
Website Content Contributions
Activity (1)
Examining changes in Waterfowl Diversity and Climate Change part of Project EDDIE:News & Events:EDDIE Workshops:Workshop: Teaching Quantitative Reasoning with Data:Teaching Activities
Students will calculate and compare long-term trends in regional diversity based on online annual survey data of breeding waterfowl population data (available from the USFWS). They will make predictions on how ...
Essay (1)
Building student confidence in quantitative analyses using locally-relevant ecological data sets part of Project EDDIE:News & Events:EDDIE Workshops:Workshop: Teaching Quantitative Reasoning with Data:Essays
Jon Sweetman, Biological Sciences, North Dakota State University-Main Campus One of the primary courses I teach in a general ecology class. The class is a 300-level course, often with a mix of sophomore, junior ...